Mawredd cariad Duw at ddynion
Rhyfedd gariad Duw at ddynion

Mawredd cariad Duw at ddynion!
  Syndod yw i luoedd ne'!
Hwn sy'n ennyn tân seraphaidd
  Trwy holl gyrau'r
      dedwydd le:
Sylwi arno wna i Gabriel
  Hwylio tannau'r delyn aur,
A moliannu heb ddiffygio
  Am rinweddau'r dwyfol Air.

O ddyfnderoedd annhraethadwy,
  Hyd a lled, ac uchder maith,
Cariad dwyfol at droseddwr
  Gwael ei lun, a dryg ei waith!
Sain taranau mynydd Sinai
  Weithiodd yn fy enaid fraw,
Yn ei gariad fe'i gostegwyd,
  Gwela'r mellt yn cilio draw.

Och! arswyddus sain yr udgorn
  Wrth roi deddf i ddynol ryw,
"Lladd troseddwr," yw'r cynhoeddiad,
  "Nid oes modd i'r euog fyw!"
Ond yn nghariad prynedigol
  Trodd yr udgorn garw'i lais,
Gan gyhoeddi Jubil' nefol
  I'r annheilwng yn barhaus.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845
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(Cariad Duw)

Rhyfedd gariad Duw at ddynion!
  Syndod yw i luoedd ne'!
Hwn sy'n enyn tân seraphaidd
  Trwy holl gyrau'r dedwydd le:
Golwg arno wna i Gabriel
  Hwylio tanau'r delyn fawr:
O! cydseiniwn ninau'r anthem,
  Anthem cariad ar y llawr.
Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tonau [8787D]:
    Carlisle (Charles Lockhart c.1745-1815)
    Taberncle (<1845)
    Mount of Olives (W L Viner 1790-1867)
    Welsh (<1835)

gwelir: Dyma'r fan dysgleiria cariad

The majesty of God's love to men!
  A surprise it is to the hosts of heaven!
He who is igniting seraphic fire
  Throughout all the corners of the
      happy place:
Noticing him makes Gabriel
  Tune the strings of the golden harp,
And praise without failing
  About the merits of the divine Word.

O inexpressible depths,
  Length and breadth, and vast height,
Of the love of God towards a transgressor
  Poor his image, and evil his work!
The sound of the thunders of mount Sinai
  Worked in my soul terror,
In his love he calmed it,
  See the lightning retreating yonder!

Oh, the terrible sound of the trumpet
  While giving the decree to human kind,
"Slay the transgressor," is the announcement,
  "There is no way of the guilty to live!"
But in redeeming love
  The trumpet turns into a rough voice,
Announcing a heavenly Jubilee
  For the unworthy enduringly.
- - - - -

(The Love of God)

The wonderful love of God towards men!
  A surprise it is for the hosts of heaven!
He who is igniting seraphic fire
  Throughout all the corners of the
      happy place:
A look upon him makes Gabriel
  Tune the strings of the great harp:
O let us also sound together the anthem,
  The anthem of love on the earth.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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