Melus ydyw y myfyrdod

Melus ydyw y myfyrdod
Am ddynoliaeth Crist
    a'i Dduwdod;
  Melus meddwl am ei gariad,
  Melus cael o hono brofiad.

Melus iawn yw cân o foliant,
Pan bwy'n profi gwir faddeuant;
  Melus cael
      trwy waed y cymmod,
  Hedd i lanw fy nghydwybod.

Pan y'm curir gan y tònau,
Gwawd y byd a gorthrymderau,
  Melus cael o'r babell briddlyd,
  Olwg glir ar dir y bywyd.

Melus cofio'r boreu rhyfedd,
Y gadawaf weddill llygredd;
  Melus brofaf
      er fy ngwynfyd
  Heddwch Duw yn well na'r bywyd.
John Thomas 1786-1859

Tonau [8888]:
    Anhalt (<1875)
    Avignon (<1875)

Sweet is the meditation
About the humanity of Christ
    and his Divinity;
  Sweet to think about his love,
  Sweet to get an experience of it.

Very sweet is a song of praise,
When I am experiencing true forgiveness;
  Sweet to get,
       through the blood of the covenant,
  Peace to flood my conscience.

When I am beaten by the waves,
The scorn of the world and afflictions,
  Sweet to get from the earthy tent,
  A clear view over the land of life.

Sweet to remember the wonderful morning,
I shall leave the remnant of corruption;
  Sweetly I shall experience
      to my blessedness
  The peace of God as better than life.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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