Melys yw dydd y Sabbath/Sab(b)oth llon

Sweet is the day of sacred rest / Sweet is the work my God my King

1,2,3,(4),5;  1,2,3,6.
Melys yw dydd y Saboth llon,
Na flined gofal byd fy mron,
  Ond boed fy nghalon i mewn hwyl
  Fel telyn Dafydd ar yr ŵyl.

Gwaith hyfryd iawn a melys yw
Moliannu d'enw di, O Dduw;
  Sôn am dy gariad fore glas,
  A'r nos am wirioneddau'th gras.

Yn Nuw fy nghalon lawenha,
Bendithio'i waith a'i air a wna;
  Mor hardd yw gwaith
      dy ras, O Dduw,
  A'th gyngor di, mor ddwfwn yw.

Mae gwir lawenydd ger dy fron
Yn ffrydiau pur i lonni 'mron;
  Ond mi gaf lawn ogoniant fry
  Pan buro gras fy nghalon i.

Caf wel'd a chlywed yno yngyd
Oll a ddymunais yn y byd;
  A'm henaid a gaiff felus waith
  Yn y tragwyddol fywyd maith.

Tydi yw'r bythol, fywiol Dduw,
Erioed y bu dy orsedd wiw;
  Sancteiddrwydd pur, a pharch dilyth,
  A weddi i'th Dŷ, O! Arglwydd byth.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MH 8888]:
David's Harp (John J Daniell 1819-98)
Gilead (Bristol Tune Book 1863)
  Merthyr (T J Price)

gwelir: Gwaith hyfryd iawn a melys yw

Sweet is the day of the cheerful Sabbath,
May no worldly care afflict my breast,
  But let my heart be in tune
  Like David's harp at the festival.

It is very pleasant and sweet work
To praise thy name, O God;
  To talk of thy love in the early morn,
  And at night of the truths of grace.

My heart will rejoice in God,
Bless his work and his word I shall;
  How beautiful is the work
      of thy grace, O God,
  As thy counsel, as profound as it is.

There is true joy before thee 
In pure streams to my breast;
  But I shall have abundant glory on high
  When grace has purified my heart.

I may see and hear there together
All I desired in the world;
  And my soul will have a sweet work
  In the vast eternal life.

Thou art the everlasting, living God,
Thy worthy throne has been forever;
  Pure holiness, and unfailing honour,
  Befit thy House, O everlasting Lord!
tr. 2008,12 Richard B Gillion

Sweet is the day of sacred rest,
No mortal cares shall seize my breast.
  O may my heart in tune be found,
  Like David’s harp of solemn sound!

Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise Thy Name, give thanks and sing,
  To show Thy love by morning light
  And talk of all Thy truth at night.

My heart shall triumph in my Lord
And bless His works and bless His Word.
  Thy works of grace,
      how bright they shine!
  How deep Thy counsels, how divine!

But I shall share a glorious part,
When grace has well refined my heart;
  And fresh supplies of joy are shed,
  Like holy oil, to cheer my head.

Then shall I see, and hear, and know
All I desired and wished below;
  And every power find sweet employ
  In that eternal world of joy.

And then what triumphs shall I raise
To Thy dear name through endless days,
  For in the realms of joy I’ll see
  Thy face in full felicity.
1719 Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [LM 8888]:
David's Harp (John J Daniell 1819-98)
Deep Harmony (Handel Parker 1854-1928)
Rockbridge (1812 Lucius Chapin 1760-1842)
Sweet is the work (1892 John J McClellan 1874-1925)
Truro (1789 Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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