Milwr ydwyf sydd ofidus, Weithiau'n iach ac weithiau'n glwyfus: Pa'm yr ofnaf, doed a ddelo, Fry mae mwywyd wedi_ei guddio. Brawd a anwyd i mi'n fore, Trosof tynnodd golyn angeu, Ac addawodd i mi allu Hyd y diwedd etto_i faeddu. Tra'r wyf yma rhaid rhyfela A gelynion o'r creulona, Ne's myn'd i'r breswylfa lonydd, Na bydd rhyfel yn dragywydd. Y rhai lluddiedig orphwys yno, Ni ddaw gelyn byth i'w blino: I'r orphwysfa fry 'rwy'n tynnu, Derfydd amser yma_i bechu. Yno derfydd fy nghystuddiau, Troir fy ngalar yn ganiadau Yn lle Mara a'i dw'r anhyfryd, Cāf yfed byth o afon bywyd. Ni ddaw rhagfarn nac anghariad Byth i mewn i dŷ fy Ngheidwas; Fry ni welaf ond fy ngharo, Gwyn fy myd pe bawn i yno.Morgan Rhys 1716-79 Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764 [Mesur: 88.88] gwelir: Os rhaid yfed dyfroedd Mara |
A soldier am I who is fearful, Sometimes whole and sometimes wounded: Why shall I fear, come what may, Above is my life hidden. A brother was born for me in the morning, For me he pulled out the sting of death, And he promised me the power Unto the end still to beat. While I am here I must battle With enemies of the cruelest, Until going to the cheerful dwelling-place Where shall be no war eternally. The exhausted ones rest there, No enemy shall ever come to grieve them: To the resting-place above I am drawing, Time here for me to sin is shall end. There shall end my afflictions, My mourning is to be turned into songs, Instead of Mara and its unpleasant water, I shall get to drink forever from the river of life. No prejudice or uncharitableness shall ever Come within the house of my Servant; Above I shall see only one who loves me, Blessed I would be if I were 2017 Richard B Gillion |