Mor gyfnewidiol yw

(Duw yn mhob man)
  Mor gyfnewidiol yw
    Meddyliau calon dyn!
  Nid erys neb ond Duw
    A'i eiriau pur yr un;
Pob iot o'i sanctaidd eiriau ef
Yn gadarn fydd pan ballo'r nef.

  Dros dragwyddoldeb pell
    Fe bery'r Ion dilyth,
  A saif ei gynghor gwell
    A'i addewidion byth;
JEHOFA wrth ei enw gwiw,
iot o'i sanctaidd eiriau :: iod o'i gyfraith sanctaidd
wrth :: yw

D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tôn [666688]:
Bevan (John Goss 1800-80)
Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)
Pennal (<1876)

(God in every place)
  How changeable are
    The thoughts of man's heart!
  No-one remains but God
    With his pure words the same;
Every jot of his holy words
Will be firm when heaven fades.

  For a distant eternity
    He will endure the unfailing Lord,
  And stand will his better counsel
    And his promises forever;
JEHOVAH by his worthy name,
And "I AM WHO I AM" it is.
jot of his holy words :: jot of his holy law
by his :: is his

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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