Mwy na choncwerwyr yw
Mwy na choncwerwyr fydd

Mwy na choncwerwyr yw
  Holl etifeddion gras,
Ar allu uffern, cnawd, a byd,
  A gallu angau glas.

Cans yn eu gwendid hwy
  Perffeithir nerth eu Duw;
Ac yn ei allu Ef daw'r gwan
  Trwy ffydd i'r lan yn fyw.

Yn nyfnder dŵr a thân
  Mae nerth wrth raid i'r gwan;
Er pob rhyw fraw ac ofn a gânt
  Gorchfygant yn y man.

A chanant oll, heb daw,
  Y dydd a ddaw, am nerth
Yr Hwn a'u daliodd, i barhau
  I ddringo rhiwiau serth.
choncwerwyr yw :: choncwerwyr fydd

Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Cambridge (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810)
Cymer (Lewis Davies 1863-1951)
Hampton / Colchester (M Greene 1696-1755)

More than conquerors are
  All the heirs of grace,
Over the power of hell, flesh and world,
  And the power of utter death.

As in their weakness
  Is perfected the strength of God;
So in his power come the weak
  Through faith to the shore alive.

In the depths of water and fire
  There is strength at need for the weak;
Despite every kind of alarm and fear they get
  They will overcome soon.

And they will all sing, without exception,
  On the day to come, about the strength
Him who has kept them, to continue
  To climb the steep ascents.
conquerors are :: conquerors will be

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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