Nefoedd imi ar y ddaear

(Gorffwysfa yng Nghrist)
Nefoedd imi ar y ddaear
  Ydyw cwmni Iesu pur;
Gorfoleddaf yn fy ngalar,
  Caf lawenydd yn fy nghur;
Tyrd yn awr, Iesu mawr,
Tyn fy mryd oddi ar y llawr.

Pan fo tonnau poen a blinder
  Yn cynhyrfu f'enaid trist,
Caf obennydd esmwyth, tyner,
  Yn addewid Iesu Grist;
Doed y byd ato i gyd,
Dyma gysgod tawel clyd.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937
diw. Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956-74

Tôn [8787337]: St Elizabeth (T Maldwyn Price 1861-1934)

gwelir: Dan fy maich o drwm euogrwydd

(A Resting-Place in Christ)
Heaven to me on the earth,
  Is the company of pure Jesus,
I will rejoice in my mourning,
  I will get joy in my beating;
Come now, great Jesus!
Draw my attention away from the earth.

When the waves of pain and grief are
  Agitating my sad soul,
I may get a soothing, tender pillow,
  In the promise of Jesus Christ;
Let all the world come to him,
Here is a secure, quiet shelter.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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