Nesā at fy enaid Waredwr y tlawd

Nesā at fy enaid,
    Waredwr y tlawd;
Datguddia dy Hunan, dy fod imi'n Frawd:
  Prydferthwch fy mywyd
      a'i nerth ydwyt Ti,
  A phrofi o'th gariad
      sy'n nefoedd i mi.

Ti ddaethost yn agos at un oedd ymhell,
Er achub ei fywyd
    i wynfyd sydd well;
  Arhosaist yn ffyddlon
      drwy oerni a gwres;
  Bydd eto yn f'ymyl,
      a thyred yn nes.

Rho im dy arweiniad i derfyn fy oes,
Mewn hedd a dedwyddwch,
    dan gystudd a chroes:
  Ar finion Iorddonen,
      yn nyfnder ei lli,
  A phawb wedi cefnu,
      nesā ataf fi.
R H Watkins 1862-1934

Tōn []: Joanna (alaw Gymreig)

Draw near to my soul,
    Deliverer of the poor;
Reveal Thyself, that thou art my Brother:
  The beauty of my life
      and its strength art Thou,
  And experiencing thy love
      is heaven to me.

Thou camest near to one who was far off,
To save his life
    for a better, blessed world;
  Thou didst stay faithful
      through cold and heat;
  Be thou still by my side,
      and draw nearer.

Give my thy leading to the end of my age,
In peace and happiness,
    under affliction and a cross:
  On the banks of Jordan,
      in the depth of its flood,
  And everyone having turned their back,
      draw near to me.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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