Oddiwrth bob gofal bydol sy'

Away from every mortal care

(Temlau gras)
Oddiwrth bob gofal bydol sy',
Ein henaid, Arglwydd, ymaith try;
  Y byd a'i bethau
      gwael gadawn,
  A dysgwyl wrth ein Duw a wnawn.

Yn nhemlau'th ras, Arglwydd, cawn,
Dy weled a'th addoli'n iawn;
  Ac edrych ar dy wyneb cu,
  A'th nerth a'th degwch
      yn dy dŷ.

Tra fo'm yn cwyno'n
    heifiau wrth Dduw,
Griddfannau esgyn fynu'n fyw;
  A gweddi ddychwel i ni'n glau
  O'r nef fendithion amryw rai.

O's cnawd a phechod sy'n cryfhau,
Cawn air o gysur yma'n glau;
  I wisgo arfau 'fengyl wiw,
  A nerth i weithio tros ein Duw.

O's ein hysprydoedd a lesgant,
A'n cydwybodau'u clwyfo cānt;
  Cwyd Haul Cyfiawnder
      yma'n glau,
  Cawn eli o'i
      esgyll i'n iachau.

Dad, chwennych mae fy enaid i,
Fod yn dy deml gyda Thi:
  Ond 'mado o'th dŷ os rhaid i'm traed,
  Tydi o'm calon byth na 'mād.
bydol sy' :: bydol f'o
ymaith try :: ymaith tro :: ymaith dry
wrth ein Duw a :: wrthyt beunydd
I wisgo :: Cawn wisgo
A nerth i weithio tros ein :: I ymladd etto ryfel
Dad, chwennych mae fy enaid i :: Hiraethu mae fy enaid i
Dad, chwennych mae fy enaid i :: Am hyny Arglwydd boed i ni
Fod yn dy deml :: Bod yn dy deml
'mado o'th :: gado'th

cyf. Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Bream (<1875)
    Breslau (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)

(Temples of grace)
From every worldly care there is,
Our soul, Lord, turn away;
  The world and its base
      things let us forsake,
  And wait upon our God let us do.

As temples of thy grace, Lord, we may
See thee and worship thee aright;
  And look upon thy dear face,
  And thy strength and thy fairness
      in thy house.

While we are complaining our
    wants before God,
Groans rising up alive;
  And prayer returns to us swiftly
  From heaven blessings of various kinds.

If flesh and sin are strengthening,
We get a word of comfort here swiftly;
  To wear the weapons of a worthy gospel,
  And strength to work for our God.

If our spirits grow feeble,
And our consciences get wounded;
  The Sun of Righteousness shall
      rise here swiftly,
  We shall get anointing from
      his wings to heal us.

Father, desire does my soul,
To be in thy temple with Thee:
  But to leave thy house if my feet must,
  Thou from my heart shalt never leave.
bydol sy' :: bydol f'o
ymaith try :: ymaith tro :: ymaith dry
wrth ein Duw a :: wrthyt beunydd
I wisgo :: Cawn wisgo
A nerth i weithio tros ein :: I ymladd etto ryfel
Dad, chwennych mae fy enaid i :: Hiraethu mae fy enaid i
Dad, chwennych mae fy enaid i :: Am hyny Arglwydd boed i ni
Fod yn dy deml :: Bod yn dy deml
'mado o'th :: gado'th

Away from every mortal care,
  Away from earth, our souls retreat;
We leave this worthless
    world afar,
  And wait and worship near Thy seat.

Lord, in the temple of Thy grace
  We see Thy feet, and we adore;
We gaze upon Thy lovely face,
  And learn the wonders
      of Thy power.

While here our various
    wants we mourn,
  United groans ascend on high;
And prayer bears a quick return
  Of blessings in variety.

If Satan rage, and sin grow strong,
  Here we receive some cheering word;
We gird the Gospel armor on
  To fight the battles of the Lord.

Or if our spirit faints and dies,
  Our conscience galled with inward stings,
Here doth the righteous
    Sun arise
  With healing beams
      beneath His wings.

Father! my soul would still abide
  Within Thy temple, near Thy side;
But if my feet must hence depart
  Still keep Thy dwelling in my heart.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]: Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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