Ofer yw gobaith pob rhyw ddyn Sy'n pwyso ar ei waith ei hun; Wrth natur, calon pawb sydd ddrwg, Ffrwyth pur na gweithred dda ni ddwg. Yr Iddew ac y Cenedl ddyn Orfyddant dewi yn gyttun; Hiliogaeth Adda oll bob rhyw, Yn euog safant ger bron Duw. Yn ofer ymgais dynol ryw Eu cyflawnhau wrth gyfraith Duw; Dynoethi a chollfarnu o hyd, Yw'r hyn ag all y ddeddf i gyd. Iesu, dy ras mor werthfawr yw, Pan gredom yn dy enw gwiw, Derbyn cyfiawnder mae ein ffydd, A gyfiawnha'r pechadur prudd. Hiliogaeth :: Ac epil Dynoethi a chollfarnu :: arg'oeddi a chondemnio Tôn [MH 8888]: Mark's (<1835) |
Vain is the hope of every kind of man Who is leaning on his own work; By nature, the heart of everyone is evil, Pure fruit, nor good works shall it bring. The Jew and the Gentile man Are forced to become silent together; All the race of Adam of every kind, Stand guilty before God. Vainly seeks human-kind To be justified by the law of God; Make naked and condemn always, Is all that the law can do. Jesus thy grace so precious is, When we believe in thy worthy name, Accepting justification is our faith, Which justifies the sad sinner. The race :: And the strain Make naked and condemn :: Make public and condemn
Vain are the hopes the sons of men On their own works have built; Their hearts by nature all unclean, And all their actions guilt. Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouths Without a murm'ring word, And the whole race of Adam stand Guilty before the Lord. In vain we ask God's righteous law To justify us now; Since to convince and to condemn Is all the law can do. Jesus, how glorious is thy grace! When in thy name we trust, Our faith receives a righteousness That makes the sinner just.
Tunes [CM 8686]: |