Oleuni mwyn trwy dew gysgodau'r nef

Lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom

Oleuni mwyn,
    trwy dew gysgodau'r nef,
        O! arwain fi;
Mae'r nos yn ddu
    a minau'n mhell o dref,
        O! arwain fi;
  Cyfeiria'm traed,
      ni cheisiaf weld ymhell,
  I mi, mae goleu
      ar fy ngham yn well.

Nid oeddwn gynt
    â'm gweddi am Dy Wawr
        I f'arwain i;
Chwenychwn gael
    a gweld fy ffordd, ond 'nawr
        O! arwain fi;
  Dewiswn goegwych ddydd;
      er ofnau lu,
  Balch oedd fy mryd;
      na chofia'r amser fu.

Dy rasol nerth,
    a'm daliodd hyd yn hyn,
        Fe'm harwain i
Dros greigiau serth,
    dros arw bant a bryn,
        A'r nos a ffy;
  Wynebau hoff,
      a gollais enyd awr,
  A wenant arnaf
      gyda'r nefol wawr.
cyf. Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tonau []:
  Gwynfryn (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
Lux Benigna (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Sandon (C H Purday 1799-1885)

  Oleuni mwyn trwy'r gwyll sy'n cau bob tu
  Oleuni mwyn trwy'r t'wyllwch leinw'r lle
  Ynghanol nos oleuni mwyn y nef

Gentle light,
    through the thick clouds of heaven,
        Oh, lead me!
The night is black
    and I am far from home,
        Oh, lead me!
  Direct my feet,
      I do not seek to see far,
  For me, light on
      my step is better.

I was not formerly
    with my prayer Thy Dawn
        to lead me;
I would not desire to get
    to see my way, but now
        Oh, lead me!
  I would choose a gaudy day;
      despite a host of fears,
  Proud was my mind;
      remember not the former time!

Thy gracious strength,
    has held me thus far,
        It leads me
Over steep rocks
    over rough hollow and hill,
        And the night shall flee;
  Fond faces,
      I lost a while ago,
  Shall smile upon me
      with the heavenly dawn.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Lead, Kindly Light,
    amid the encirling gloom.
        Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark,
    and I am far from home -
        Lead Thou me on!
  Keep Thou my feet;
      I do not ask to see
  The distant scene, -
      one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus,
    nor prayed that Thou
        Shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose
    and see my path; but now
        Lead Thou me on.
  I loved the garish day,
      and, spite of fears,
  Pride ruled my will:
      remember not past years.

So long Thy power
    hath blest me, sure it still
        Will lead me on
O'er moor and fen,
    o'er crag and torrent, till
        The night is gone;
  And with the morn
      those angel faces smile,
  Which I have loved
      long since and lost awhile.
1833 John H Newman 1801-90

Tunes []:
  Gwynfryn (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
Lux Benigna (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Sandon (C H Purday 1799-1885)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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