Pan ddaeth Iesu'i lawr o'r nef

(Jesus when He left the sky)

Pan ddaeth Iesu'i lawr o'r nef,
  Yma'i farw'n Nghalfari,
Chwyddai serch ei fynwes Ef,
  At rai bach fel ni.

Pan yn myn'd o dref i dref
  Gyda thyrfa fawr ei rhi',
Ceisiai rhai ei sylw Ef
  At rai bach fel ni!

A wrthododd Ef eu cais?
  Na! gwrandawodd ar eu cri,
O! mor dyner oedd ei lais,
  At rai bach fel ni!

Drostynt hwy yr aeth i'r groes,
  Ac y collodd waed yn lli';
Do, dyoddefodd angeu loes,
  Dros rai bach fel ni!

Carwn ac addolwn Ef,
  Rhoddwn iddo glod a bri,
Deil ei gariad oesau'r nef
  At rai bach fel ni!

cyf. Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tôn [7775]: smdr|mrs (R T Roberts)

When Jesus came down from heaven,
  Here to die on Calvary,
Affection would swell His breast,
  For little ones like us.

When going from town to town
  With a crowd of great number,
Some sought His attention
  For little ones like us!

Did he reject their request?
  No! he heard their cry,
O how tender was his voice!
  To little ones like us!

For them he went to the cross,
  And shed his blood as a flood;
Yes, he suffered the throes of death,
  For little ones like us!

Let us love and adore Him,
  Let us give his praise and honour,
His love will hold for the ages of heaven
  For little ones like us!

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

"Despise not one of these little ones." Mt xviii:10
Jesus, when He left the sky,
And for sinners came to die,
In His mercy passed not by
  Little ones like me.

Mothers then the Saviour sought
In the places where He taught,
And to Him their children brought -
  Little ones like me.

Did the Saviour say them nay?
No! He kindly bade them stay,
Suffered none to turn away
  Little ones like me.

'Twas for them His life He gave,
To redeem them from the grave;
Jesus now will gladly save
  Little ones like me.

Children, then, should love him now;
Strive His holy will to do:
Pray to Him; and praise Him too -
  Little ones like me.
then, should love him now; :: love Him, He loves you;

Jerome McCauley (attrib to M Rumsey by
    Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897)

Tune [7775+6575]:
    Little Ones Like Me (Charles H Gabriel 1856-1932)

Tune [7775]: smdr|mrs (R T Robert)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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