Peraidd ganodd sêr y bore/borau/boreu

1,2,(3),4;  1,2,4,8;  1,(4),6,7;  1,(5),6.
Peraidd ganodd sêr y bore
  Ar enedigaeth Brenin nef;
Doethion a bugeiliaid hwythau
  Deithient i'w addoli ef:
    Gwerthfawr drysor,
  Yn y preseb Iesu gaed.

Dyma y newyddion hyfryd
  Draethwyd gan angelion Duw -
Fod y Ceidwad wedi ei eni,
  I golledig ddynol ryw:
    Ffyddlawn gyfaill!
  Bechaduriaid, molwn Ef.

Testyn cân yr holl brophwydi,
  Seren Jacob, Had y Wraig,
Seilo Judah, Gwreiddyn Jesse,
  'R hwn ysiga ben y ddraig:
  I drueiniaid drwyddo ddaeth.

Tad tragwyddol yw ei enw,
  T'wysog y tangnefedd yw -
Crëwr mawr y bydoedd ydyw,
  A Gwaredwr dynolryw!
  Daeth i farw yn ein lle.

Rhosyn Saron yw ei enw, 
  Gwỳn a gwridog, hardd Ei bryd;
Ar ddeng mil y mae'n rhagori
  wrthrychau pena'r byd:
    Ffrynd pechadur,
  Dyma'r llywydd ar y môr.

Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig,
  Meddyg i'r gwywedig rai;
Dyma un sy'n caru maddau
  I bechaduriaid mawr eu bai;
    Diolch iddo
  Byth am gofio
      llwch y llawr.

Brenin tragwyddoldeb ydyw,
  Llywodraethwr dae'r a ne';
Byth ni wêl tylwythau'r ddaear
  Geidwad arall ond efe;
    Mae e'n ddigon,
  Y tragwyddol Fywyd yw.

Byth i'r Mab y bo gogoniant,
  Hwn a aned erom ni,
Ac i'r Tad, a'r Sanctaidd Ysbryd,
  Heb wahân yn Un a Thri;
    Byth heb ddiwedd,
  Fel o'r dechrau, seinia'u clod.
bore :: borau :: boreu
Ar enedigaeth :: Pan y ganwyd
preseb Iesu gaed :: preseb Iesu_a gaed
Tad tragwyddol :: Iôr tragwyddol :: Mab tragwyddol

1,2,4,6,7,8: Morgan Rhys 1716-1779
3 : Dafydd Jones 1711-77
4 : Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [878747]:
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
Caersalem (Robert Edwards 1797-1862)
Calcutta (<1835)
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Cwm Rhondda (John Hughes 1873-1932)
Dwyfor (hen alaw Gymraeg)
  Gwerthfawr Drysor
    (Olive V Williams-Davies 1895-1971)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855
Latrode (<1875)
Lewes (John Randall 1717-99)
Mannheim (alaw Ellmynig)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)
Requiem (W A F Schulthes 1816-79)
Sicily (alaw Eidalaidd)
St Raphael (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Tydfil (John Roberts 1822-77)
Vesper (alaw Rwsiaidd)
Y Delyn Aur (alaw Gymreig)

  Deuwch holl hiliogaeth Adda
  Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
  Wele ganed y Gwaredwr
  Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtoedd

Sweetly sang the morning stars
  At the King of heaven's birth;
Wise men and shepherds they
  Travelled to adore him:
    Valuable treasure,
  In the crib of Jesus was.

Here is delightful news
  Expounded by God's angels -
That the Saviour has been born,
  To lost humankind:
    A faithful friend!
  Sinners, let us praise Him!

The theme of the song of all the prophets,
  The Star of Jacob, the Seed of the Woman,
Shiloh of Judah, the Root of Jesse,
  He who crushes the dragon's head:
  To wretches which through him came.

Eternal Father is his name,
  The Prince of peace he is -
The great creator of the worlds he is,
  And Deliverer of human kind!
  He came to die in our place.

Rose of Sharon is his name,
  White and ruddy, beautiful His face;
Over ten thousands he is superior
  Of the chief objects of the world:
    Friend of sinners,
  Here is the pilot on the sea.

Here is a Saviour to the lost,
  A physician to those who have wasted away;
Here is one who loves to forgive
  Great sinners their fault;
    Thanks to him
  Forever for remembering
      the dust of the earth.

The King of eternity King is he,
  Governor of earth and heaven;
Never will the tribes of the earth see
  Another Saviour but him;
    He is sufficient,
  Eternal Life he is.

Forever to the Son be glory,
  He who was born for our sake,
And to the Father, and the Holy Spirit,
  Without division, as One and Three;
    Forever without end,
  As from the beginning, sound their praise.
:: ::
At the ...'s birth :: When the ... was born
was (found/had) :: which was (found/had)
Eternal Father :: Eternal Lord :: Eternal Son

tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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