Peth hyfryd iawn yw bod a byw

(Cynnydd y saint dan ddwyfol driniaethau)
Peth hyfryd iawn yw bod a byw,
Mewn gardd a blennaist ti, O Dduw!
  Gwna fi o fewn cynteddau'th ras,
  Fel tęg gedrwydden iraidd las.

Trwy'th fendith yno
   (mawr yw fraint)
Mewn ffydd a chariad tyf y saint;
  Nid Liban a'i holl goedwydd gwych,
  Sydd debyg oll
      mor hardd eu drych.

Planhigion gras dros fyth fydd byw,
Adfeilia natur, - tyf gras Duw;
  Amser amharu pob peth mae,
  Dŷd hwy flodeuo a theghau.

Mewn henaint ffrwythlawn ydyw rhai'n,
Daioni Duw ei ddangos maen';
  Ni chaiff a wylio
      wrth byrth y nef,
  Ddywey'd mai anffyddlawn Dduw yw ef.
Caniadau Sion 1827

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The growth of the saints under divine treatment)
A very delightful thing is being and living,
In a garden thou didst plant, O God!
  Make me within the courts of thy grace,
  Like a fresh, green cedar tree.

Through thy blessing there
   (great is the privilege)
In faith and love the saints grow;
  Not Lebanon with all its brilliant trees,
  Is at all comparable,
      so beautiful its appearance.

Plants of grace forever shall be living,
Nature shall decay, - God grace shall grow;
  Time worsens everything that is,
  It sets them to flourish and grow fair.

In old age fruitful are they,
Who are showing the goodness of God;
  They will not get to watch
      at the gate of heaven,
  Saying that an unfaithful God he is.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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