Porth y nefoedd sy'n agored

(Croeso wrth yr Orsedd)
Porth y nefoedd sy'n agored
  I groesawu'r truan trist;
A goludoedd gras y Brenin
  Sydd yn rhad yn Iesu Grist:
    At yr orsedd
  Af i 'mofyn am ei hedd.

Er yn euog, er yn ofnus,
  A lluddedig ar y daith,
Cefais ganddo fodd i ganu
  Mewn cyfyngder lawer gwaith:
    Wrth ei orsedd
  Ceisiaf eto hedd fy Nuw.
J Price Roberts 1854-1905

Tôn [878747]: Tamworth (hen alaw)

(A Welcome at the Throne)
The gate of heaven is open
  To welcome the sad wretch;
With the riches of the King's grace
  Which is free in Jesus Christ:
    To the throne
  I shall go to ask for his peace.

Although guilty, although fearful,
  And exhausted on the journey,
I got from him a means to sing
  In straits many a time:
    At his throne
  I shall seek there my God's peace.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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