Pwy yw Hwn sy'n blentyn bychan, Ar heolydd Bethlem dref? Dyma Lywiwr teyrnas anian, Dyma Frenin nef y nef; Pw yw Hwn, yng ngwisg y gweithiwr, Sycha'r chwŷs oddiar Ei rûdd? Dyma'n Harglwydd a'n Creawdwr, A Chynhaliwr pobpeth sydd. Pwy yw hwn sy'n dlawd ac unig, Ac heb le i roi ben i lawr? Dyma Fab y Bendigedig, Ac Etifedd nefoedd fawr: Pwy yw Hwn mewn poen a galar, Sydd dan faich gorthrymder byd? Dyma Dad diddanwch daear, A'n Cynghorwr goreu 'i gyd.Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937
Tôn [8787D]: |
Who is This who is a little child, On the streets of Bethlehem town? Here is the Governor of the kingdom of nature, Here is the King of the heaven of heaven; Who is This, in the dress of the worker, Drying the sweat off his cheek? Here is our Lord and our Creator, And the Upholder of everything that is. Who is This who is poor and lonely, With nowhere to lay down his head? Here is the Son of the Blessed, And the Heir of great heavens: Who is This in pain and sorrow, Who is under the burden of the world's oppression? Here is the Father of earth's comfort, And the best Counsellor of 2012 Richard B Gillion |