Rhoist imi lawer arwydd Fy mod i'n un o'th blant; Ac er fy llygredd, Arglwydd, Mi garwn fod yn sant; Argraffa ar fy nghalon Adnodau'r gyfraith wen; A dwg y pur obeithion A roddaist im i ben. Datduddia imi feiau Lle nid oedd feiau im; Ac aed yn fwy bechodau Gyfrifwn megis dim; Prysura'r dydd na wewyf Bechadur fel fy hun; Cans hyn rydd hyder ynof Y deuaf ar dy lun. Rhyfeddod mawr fy nyddiau, A'm cysur cryf yw hyn; Mai'n Hwn a wêl galonnau Sydd am fy ngwneud yn wyn: A phan ddiflanno 'mhechod, A'i holl arwyddion ef, Gorfoledd maith, a syndod Tragwyddol fydd fy nef.John Jenkins (Gwili) 1872-1936 Tôn [7676D]: Kilmorey (J A Lloyd 1840-1914) |
Thou gavest to me many a sign That I am one of thy children; And despite my corruption, Lord, I would love to be a saint; Impress upon my heart The verses of thy bright law; And bring the pure hopes Thou gavest me to fulfilment. Reveal to me faults Where there were no faults to me; And let those become greater sins Which I would count as nothing; Hasten the day that a sinner Like myself shall not see; Since this puts confidence in me That I shall come to be in thy image. The great wonder of my days And my strong comfort is this: That 'tis he who sees hearts Who wants to make me white: And when my sin disappears, With all his signs, Vast rejoicing, and an eternal Surprise shall be my heaven.tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |