Boed clod i'r uchel Dduw, IOR nef a daear lâs: Brenin breninoedd yw, Rhyfedded pawb ei ras. Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Mor rymus yw ei law! Pa wyrthiau mawr wnaeth ef! Gwnaeth dir a moroedd maith, A llunio wnaeth y nef: Trugaredd Duw a berybyth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Fe'n canfu'n myn'd ar goll, Dan bechod oll i gyd; O'i ras tosturio wnaeth Wrth gyflwr caeth y byd: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A i air dilyth safadwy yw. Anfonai ei Fab ei hun, I'n gwared ni o'n gwae; Rhag Satan, angau blin, A phechod, achub mae: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Diolchwn ninnau'n awr, I Frenin mawr y nef; A chaned daear faith Ei waith a'i foliant ef: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw.cyf. 1,3,4: Swp o Ffigys 1825 cyf. 2,5 : Casgliad Morris Davies 1835 Rhowch glod i'r uchel Dduw, I&oacirc;r nef a daear lâs; Brenin brenhinoedd yw, Rhyfedded pawb ei ras; Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Fe'n canfu ni ar goll Trwy bechod, oll i gyd; O'i ras tosturio wnaeth Wrth gyflwr caeth y byd: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Anfonodd Daw i'r byd Ei anwyl Fab ei hun; Bu farw Crist mewn pryd I wared euog ddyn: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Rhowch foliant iddo'n awr, Duw, Brenin mawr y nef: A chaned daear faith Am waith ei gariad ef: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw.cyf. Cas. o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810 SALM CXXXVI 1,2,3,(4,5,6). Rhowch glod i'r uchel Dduw, Iôr nef a daear las, Brenhin brenhinoedd yw, Addoled pawb ei ras: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Mor rymus yw ei law, A'i wyrthiau mawrion ef! Gwnaeth dir a moroedd draw, A lledu wnaeth y nef: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Mae deddfau nôs a dydd, Yn ufydd i Dduw'r nef: Yr haul a'r lleuad sydd Yn gneuthur ei air ef: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Fe'n canfu ni ar goll Yn ufudd i Dduw'r nef; Yr haul a'r lleuad sydd Yn gwneuthur ei air ef. Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Danfonodd Duw i'r byd Ei anwyl Fab ei hun; Bu farw Crist mewn pryd, I wared euog ddyn. Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Rhowch foliant iddo'n awr Duw brenin mawr y nef; A chaned daear faith, Ei waith a'i gariad ef. Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Diferion y Cyssegr 1804 1-9 Rhowch glod i'r uchel Dduw, Iôr nef a daear las, Brenhin brenhinoedd yw, Addoled pawb ei ras: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. Mor rhyfedd yw ei waith! Pa wyrthiau mawr wnaeth ef! Gwnaeth dir a moroedd maith, A lledu wnaeth y nef: Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. I lywodraethu'r dydd, Yr haul uwch ben fe'i rho's, A'r ser a'r lleuad sydd Yn llonni'r dywyll nos. Trugaredd Duw a bery byth, A'i air dilyth safadwy yw. I'r Arglwydd Dduw rhoer clod Gan bawb o ddynol ryw, Tra byddo'r byd yn bod, Can's da a grasol yw: Trugaredd Duw, a'i air dilyth, O oes i oes a barant byth. Ein cofio ni a wnaeth Mewn cyflwr gwael, o'i ras; Achubodd ni oedd gaeth O law'n gelynion cas: Trugaredd Duw, a'i air dilyth, O oes i oes a barant byth. I bob creadur byw Efe'n rhoi ymborth sy; Boed mawl di-baid i'r Duw Sydd yn teyrnasu fry: Trugaredd Duw, a'i air dilyth, O oes i oes a barant byth.cyf. Casgliad Daniel Rees 1831
Tonau [666688]: gwelir: Anfonodd Duw i'r byd |
Let there be esteem to the high God, The Lord of heaven and blue-green earth: The King of kings is he, Let everyone wonder at his grace. The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. How forceful is his hand! What great wonders he has done! He made land and vast seas, And he designed the heavens: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. He found us going astray, Under sin all together; From his grace he showed mercy To the captive condition of the world: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. He sent his only Son, To deliver us from our woe; From Satan, grievous death, And sin, he saves: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. Let us now give thanks, to the great King of heaven; And let the vast earth sing His work and his praise: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. Render esteem to the high God, The Lord of heaven and blue-green earth: The King of kings is he, Let everyone wonder at his grace; The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. He found us going astray Through sin, all together; From his grace he showed mercy To the captive condition of the world: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. God sent to the world His own dear Son; Christ died in time To deliver guilty man: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. Render praise to him now, God, The great King of heaven: And let the vast earth sing Of the work of his love: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. PSALM 136 Render esteem to the high God, The Lord of heaven and blue-green earth: The King of kings is he, Let everyone adore his grace: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. How forceful is his hand, And his great miracles! He made land and yonder seas, And spread he did the heavens: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. The laws of night and day, Obey the God of heaven: The sun and the moon are The work of his word: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. He found us lost Obedient to the God of heaven; The sun and the moon are Making doing his word. The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. God sent into the world, His own beloved Son; Christ died in time, To deliver guilty man. The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. Render ye praise unto him now God the great king of heaven; And let the vast earth sing, His work and his love. The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. 1-9 Render esteem to the high God, The Lord of heaven and blue-green earth, The King of kings is he, Let everyone adore his grace: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. How amazing is his work! What great works he has done! He made land and vast seas And spread he did the heaven: The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. To govern the day, The sun overhead he set, And the stars and the moon Cheer the darkness of night. The mercy of God will endure forever, And his unfailing word is secure. To the Lord God esteem is to be rendered By all of humankind, As long as the earth shall be, For good and gracious he is: The mercy of God, and his unfailing word, From age to age will endure forever. He has remembered us In a poor condition, from his grace; He saved us who were captive From the hand of our hateful enemies: The mercy of God, and his unfailing word, From age to age will endure forever. To every living creature It is he who gives sustenance; Let there be endless praise to the God Who reigns above: The mercy of God, and his unfailing word, From age to age will endure 2011 Richard B Gillion |
Give thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. How mighty is his hand! What wonders hath he done! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heav'ns alone. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heav'nly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. Give thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heav'nly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. Give thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. How mighty is his hand! What wonders hath he done! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heav'ns alone. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. His wisdom framed the sun To crown the day with light; The moon and twinkling stars To cheer the darksome night. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heav'nly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. Give thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. How mighty is his hand! What wonders hath he done! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heav'ns alone. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word. His wisdom framed the sun To crown the day with light; The moon and twinkling stars To cheer the darksome night. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. His power and grace are still the same; And let his name have endless praise. Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heav'nly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. Thy mercy, Lord, shall still endure; And ever sure abides thy word.1806 Isaac Watts 1674-1748 |