Rho'wn fawl i'r dwyfawl Dad Er gwir wellhad a llwydd, Pereiddwych a'r Mab rhad; Ar ganiad rhoddiad rhwydd. Ben boreu glas, Moliannwn Dduw, oll o un ryw, yn llawn o ras: Heb oedi yn hwy, Rho'wn dan y rhôd, foreuol glod i'w farwol glwy. Hosanna, dyma'r dydd, Fe'n rho'ed o'n cerydd caeth; Y ffordd at Dduw drwy ffyd Ein Iesu'n rhydd a wnaeth: Gwir yw y gair, ca'dd T'wysog nèn, Neu Oen Nef wèn ei eni o Fair: Daeth ef mewn pryd i ddiodde'n ddwys, Yn fawr ei bwys dan feiau'r byd. Wel dyma'r dedwydd bryd, Drwy'r hollfyd hyfryd hwyl; Y dylem godi i gyd Yn awr i gaw gwyl: Am drossedd llawn, Anfeidrol Fod, gwnaeth er ei glod, mewn dyndod iawn: Iachawdwr byd, A gafwd gwn, y boru hwn a bery o hyd. Wel dyma'r boreu glân, Yn gyfan Mab a ga'ed; A hedd i fawr a mân Sydd yn ei wiwlan waed: Anwylyd hardd, Goddefai'n sèn, am fwyta o'r prèn, yn Eden ardd: Pob perchen ffydd, A gredo'n ddyws, caiff fyn'd i'r lwys Baradwys rydd. Daeth i ni gysur gwych, Wrth wel'd y gwrthddrych gwiw; Mae ef yn hardd ei ddrych, Goleuwych teg ei liw: Drwy ddioddef loes, Boddlonai ei Dad, A'r Nef yn rhad i ni fe'i rho'es: Gwir Gab Duw Tri, Fu'n dioddef cur, wrth wisgo'n bur ein natur ni! 'Roedd digter llawer llu I'n hanwyl Iesu o hyd; Ni cha'dd y cyfion cu Ei barch fan y byd: Ni cha'dd i'w oes, Ond gwawd y Byd, ar bob rhyw bryd, o'i gryd i'w groes: Eneinniog Nef Am euog wŷn, trueni dyn, trywanwyd ef! Ca'dd Iesu friwo ei fròn Bros Bentewynion tân; I'w dwyn yn dyrfa lòn, I wledda'n Seion lân: Mae 'nawr i ni, Ryddhad o boen, trwy glwyfau'n Oen ar Galfari: Cyn tòri'r wawr, O do'ed i'n plith nefolaidd wlith, ei fendith fawr. Rh'own oll i'r gwir Fab rhad, Addoliad ar ei ddydd: I'w enw b'oed mawrhad, Yn wastad, rhediad rhydd; Daw angau a'i glêdd, Yn fuan tỳr, ein tymmor bỳr tu yma i'r bedd: Tra bo'm dan nèn, Rh'own glod bob awr, i enw mawr yr Iôn, Amen.David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822 Corph y Gaingc 1810 [Mesur: "Clarenton"] |
Let us render praise to the divine Father For true healing and prosperity, Brilliantly sweet, and the gracious Son; In song of a free gift. At earliest morn, Let us praise God, all of one kind, full of grace,: Without delaying later, Let us render under the sky, morning acclaim to his mortal wound. Hosanna, this is the day, He set us free from our chastisement of captivity; The way to God through faith Our Jesus freely has made: True is the word, The Prince of the sky, or The Lamb of bright Heaven, is Born of Mary: He came in time to suffer intensely, Great his weight under the sins of the world. Behold, here is the happy time, Throughout the whole world delightful joy; We all ought to raise Now to keep festival: For full transgression, Infinite Being, did for his acclaim, in true humanity: The Saviour of a world, who was got, I know, this morning shall endure always. Behold, here is the holy morning, In which, mainly, a Son was born; And peace to great and small Are in his purely worthy blood: A handsome dear one, Would suffer our reproach, for eating from the tree, in Eden garden: Every possessor of faith, Who believes earnestly, will get to go to the pleasant free Paradise. Excellent comfort came to us, By seeing the worthy object; He is beautiful in appearance, Brilliantly, brightly fair his colour: Through suffering anguish, He satisfied his Father, And Heaven freely for us he gave him: The true Son of the threefold God, Suffered a blow, while wearing purely our nature! There was the anger of many a host For our dear Jesus always; The dear righteous one did not get His honoured place in the world: He did not get in his lifespan, But the scorn of the world, on every sort of occasion, from his crib to his cross: The Anointed of Heaven For guilty lambs, miserable men, he was pierced! Jesus got injured in his breast For brands of fire; To lead them as a cheerful throng, To the feast in holy Zion: There is now for us, Freedom from pain, through the wounds of the Lamb on Calvary: Before the dawn breaks, Oh, let the heavenly dew bring to our midst its great blessing. Let us all render to the true, gracious Son, Worship on his day: To his name let there be majesty, Constantly, a free flow; Come death and its sword; Soon shall break, our short season this side of the grave: While we are under the sky, Let us render acclaim every hour, to the great name of the Sovereign, Amen.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |