Rhyfedd na buaswn 'n awr

(Mawl am Arbediad)
Rhyfedd na buaswn 'n'awr
    Yn y fflamau,
Wedi cael fy nhorri i lawr
    Am fy meiau;
Gan fy mod i heddiw'n fwy,
    Mi rof deyrnged
O glod a mawl i'm Harglwydd Dduw
    Am fy arbed.

Rhyfedd yw i Dduw erioed
    Edrych arnaf;
Mawr fy rhwymau i roi clod
    I'r goruwchaf
Os ca'i 'nwyn i ben fy nhaith
    Yn ddihangol,
Moli Iesu fydd fy ngwaith
    Yn dragwyddol.
George Lewis 1763-1822

Tonau [7474D]:
Gogerddan (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Gwynedd (<1875)
Patmos (alaw Ellmynig)
Rhos-Lan (Morris Davies 1796-1876)
Tiberias (alaw Gymreig)
Weimar (<1875)

(Praise for Salvation)
Strange that I should not be now
    In the flames,
Having been cut down
    For my offenses;
That I should still live today,
    I will bestow tribute
O praise and exaltation to the Lord God
    For sparing me!

It is strange that God has ever
    Looked upon me;
Great my bonds to render praise
    To the most high
If I am brought to my journey's end
To praise Jesus will be my work
tr. 2007,09 Richard B Gillion
(Holy Wonder)
Strange that I am not cut down
    Without mercy,
To endure thy righteous frown,
    Beyond pity!
That on earth I still survive
    I will praise Thee -
To thy praise and glory live,
    Who hath spared me.

Strange Thou shouldst have looked on me -
    Worthless, guilty:
Who can count my debt to Thee,
    Lord, most holy?
If I reach thy heavenly seat,
    Songs unceasing
Shall my raptured tongue repeat -
    Thee adoring.
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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