Saif brenhiniaeth fawr yr Iesu

(Teyrnas ddisigl)
Saif brenhiniaeth fawr yr Iesu
  A'i gorseddfa'n fythol lân;
Saif ei heddwch yn dragywydd,
  Saif ei chysur byth, a'i chân:
Hedd, maddeuant, meddyginiaeth,
  Iachawdwriaeth ynddi gaed;
Gras i fywyd sy'n teyrnasu,
  Deddf yn gwenu yn y gwaed.

Saif heb siglo yn dragwyddol
  Eiriau yr anfarwol Fôd;
Saif ei gynghor a'i gyfammod
  Pan ddattodo rhwyrmau'r rhod:
Teyrnas ydyw na ddiflana,
  Rhodia'i deiliaid oll yn rhydd;
A phan syrth gogoniant anian,
  Harddwch hon yn fwyfwy fydd.
ynddi gaed :: ynddi a gaed
anfarwol Fôd :: anfeidrol Fod
ddattodo :: ddatodo
ddiflana :: ddiflanna

Richard Jones 1772-1833

Tonau [8787D]:
Austria (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)
Bryn Terrace (John Gabriel 1844-1913)
Llanrwst (Dan Jones 1886-1961)
Tanymarian (E J Stephen 1822-85)
Vesper (alaw Rwsiaid)

(An unshakeable kingdom)
The great kingdom of Jesus stands
  And its throne holy forever;
Its peace stands eternally,
  Its constancy stands forever, and its song:
Peace, forgiveness, medicine,
  Salvation are found in it;
Grace to life which reigns,
  Law showing favour in the blood.

It stands without shaking in the eternal
  Words of the immortal Being;
Its counsel stands and its covenant
  When the fetters of the sky come loose:
It is a kingdom that will not disappear,
  Its tenants will all wander freely;
And when the glory of nature falls,
  The beauty of this will be increasing.

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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