Tosturia nefol Dad

1,2,3a,4;  1,3b,(4).
  Tosturia, nefol Dad,
    Wrth lais pechadur clyw;
  O'th fawr drugaredd gad
    I wrthryfelwr fyw;
Yr un yw maddeu gyda thi 
Bechodau mawr, a'r lleia' o ri'.

  Os i'r trueni'r âf,
    Mi'th gyfiawnhâf yn hyn,
  Na's cefais, ac ni's câf,
    Ond haeddais i fy hun;
Pechu a wnes yn ffiaidd gâs
Trwy dorri'th ddedf,
      dirmygu'th ras.

  Ymddiried byth yr wyf
    (Ynglyn trueni trîst)
  Yn haeddiant marwol glwy',
    A gallu Iesu Grist;
Ac hefyd dysgwyl wnaf bob dydd
Fwynhau effeithiau bywiol ffydd.

[  Am hyn ymddiried 'rwyf
     Yng ngallu Iesu Grist,
   Ac yn ei farwol glwyf
     I achub f'enaid trist;
 Ac hefyd dysgwyl wnaf bob dydd
 Fwynhau effeithiau bywiol ffydd.]

  Tor fy nghadwynau cas,
    Cyf 'rwydda 'nghamrau oll
  Yn llwybrau pur dy ras,
    Nad elwyf mwy ar goll:
O dysg ac arwain fi'n ddifeth
I wneud d'ewyllys yn mhob peth.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

[Mesur: 666688]

  Have mercy, heavenly Father,
    To the voice of a sinner listen;
  Of thy great mercy let
    A rebel live;
The same is forgiving with thee
Great sins, and the least in number.

  If to the wretchedness I go,
    I will justify thee in this,
  I only got, and shall only get,
    What I myself deserve;
Sin I did detestably
Through breaking thy law,
      scorning thy grace.

  Trusting forever I am
    (Concerning sad wretchedness)
  In the merit of a mortal wound,
    And the power of Jesus Christ;
And also expect I shall do every day
To enjoy the effects of a lively faith.

[  Therefore trusting I am
     In the power of Jesus Christ,
   And in his mortal wound
     To save my sad soul;
 And also expect I shall do every day
 To enjoy the effects of a lively faith.]

  Break my hated chains,
    Train all my steps
  In the pure paths of thy grace,
    I shall no more go astray:
O teach and lead me unfailingly
To do thy will in every thing.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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