Trefn dy ragluniaeth Arglwydd Dduw

(Ffyrdd Duw yn Ddirgelwch)
Trefn dy ragluniaeth, Arglwydd Dduw,
O! ddyfned a dirgeled yw!
  Ond ni ddaw nos
      na chilia'i braw
  Pan gofiwn dy fod Ti gerllaw.

Rhy ddyfnion yw'th fwriadau Di -
Rhy bell iw' holrhain gennym ni;
  Ond ynddynt, er i ni yn gudd,
  Dy garaid a'th ddoethineb sydd.

Ar dy weithredoedd oll mae lliw
Tiriondeb dy drugaredd wiw;
  Rhy ddoeth, rhy dda wyt in tristau,
  Ni roddi archoll heb iachau.

Ar ol cael nef a chalon bur
Esbonir inni
    les pob cur:
  Dan "bwys gogoniant" -
      ryfedd fraint!
  Cān newydd fyth fydd
      cān y saint.
William Griffith Owen (Llifon) 1857-1922

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Carey (Henry Carey 1685-1743)
Emyn Luther (Martin Luther 1483-1546)
Marsden (C MacFarlane 1785-1853)

(God's Ways as Secret)
The scheme of thy providence, Lord God,
O, how deep and secret they are!
  But night will not come
      with its unretreating terror
  When I remember that Thou art at hand.

Too deep are Thy intentions -
Too distant their marks that we have;
  But in them, although hidden from us,
  Are thy love and thy wisdom.

On all thy deeds there is the colour
Of the tenderness of thy worthy mercy;
  Too wise, too good thou art to sadden us,
  Not giving a wound without healing.

After getting heaven and a pure heart
The benefit of every stroke
    is explained to us:
  Under the "weight of glory" -
      a wonderful privilege!
  A new song forever shall be
      the song of the saints.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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