Trysorau mor glir

(Trysorau yr Iawn)
  Trysorau mor glir
  Ni welwn yn wir,
I randir yr India pe'r awn;
  Pur aur o Peru
  Cyffelyb nid yw
I heddwch fy Nuw yn yr Iawn.

  Caed Person mor lawn
  O gyfoeth a dawn,
A dalodd yn gyflawn y gwerth;
  Trw'r ddyfais fawr hon
  Gwneir Seion yn llon,
Fe wisg Ei anwylion â nerth.

  Dim trysor nis cair
  Mewn perlau nac aur,
Er chwilio hyd derfyn ein dydd,
  A bwysa Dy hedd
  Tu yma i'r bedd,
Heb goffa'r
    llawenydd a fydd.
Evan Evans (Ieuan Glan Geirionydd) 1795-1855

Tonau [558D]:
Cefn-Bedd Llewelyn (Alfred P Morgan 1857-1942)
Edeyrn (<1876)
Hungerford (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
Ystwyth (R S Hughes 1855-93)

gwelir: Caed Person mor lawn

(Treasures of the Atonment)
  Treasures so clear
  Truly I would not see,
If I went to the region of India;
  The pure gold of Peru
  Is not equal
To my God's peace in the Atonement.

  A Person so full of wealth
  And talent is to be had,
Who paid fully the price;
  Through this great scheme
  Zion is made cheerful,
He clothes his beloved ones with strength.

  No treasur is to be found
  In pearls or gold,
Despite searching to the end of our days,
  That weigh against Thy peace
  This side of the grave,
Without a reminder of
    the joy that shall be.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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