Tyn fi Iesu o bob tonau

(Y Graig sydd Uwch)
Tyn fi, Iesu, o bob tonau,
  At y Graig sydd uwch na mi;
Gad im lechu yn ei chysgod -
  Cysgod haeddiant Calfari.

    Yn y Graig sydd uwch
        'rwy'n credu,
      Pwysaf arni f'enaid drud;
    Craig yr Oesoedd - O mae'n gadarn!
      Dwyfol yw ei chysgod clyd.

Dyma'r Graig sydd
    uwch na'r moroedd -
  Tonog foroedd cnawd a byd;
Rhag rhyferthwy uffern greulon,
  Noddfa yw ei chysgod clyd.

Yn y Graig sydd uwch caf allu
  I orchfygu ar bob awr,
Yn ei chysgod caf alluoedd
  Pyrth y gelyn fyth i lawr.

Holltau'r Graig -
    O ddedwydd drigfan!
  Yma caf bob nerth i fyw -
Nerth i gredu, nerth i garu,
  A gobeithio yn fy Nuw.

Ar y Graig sydd uwch caf ganu,
  Peraidd geinciau nefol gan;
Holl breswylwyr hon a ganant
  Pan yr elo'r byd yn dân.

Egwan wyf i ganu moliant,
  Heddyw, Graig sydd uwch, i ti;
Wedi cyrhaedd gwlad gogoniant
  Canaf anthem Calfari.
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77
Swn y Jwbili 1876

Tôn [8787D]:
  Y Craig sydd Uwch (Swn y Jwbili 1876)

(The Rock that is Higher)
Draw me, Jesus, from every wave,
  To the Rock that is higher than I;
Let me hide in its shadow -
  The shadow of the merit of Calvary.

    In the Rock that is higher
        I am believing,
      I will lean upon it my precious soul;
    The Rock of Ages - O it is firm!
      Divine is its secure shadow.

Here is the Rock that is
    higher than the seas -
  The billowing seas of flesh and world;
From the tempest of cruel hell,
  A refuge is its secure shadow.

In the Rock that is higher I may get power
  To overcome at every hour,
In its shadow I may bring the powers
  Of the portals of the enemy forever down.

The fissures of the Rock -
    O happy dwelling!
  Here I may get every strength to live -
Strength to believe, strength to love,
  And to hope in my God.

On the Rock that is higher I may sing,
  The sweet strains of a heavenly song;
All these residents shall sing
  When the world goes on fire.

Weak I am to sing praise,
  Today, Rock that is higher, to thee;
Having reached the land of glory
  I shall sing the anthem of Calvary.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
O safe to the Rock
    that is higher than I,
My soul in its conflicts
    and sorrows would fly;
  So sinful, so weary,
      Thine, Thine, would I be;
  Thou blest Rock of Ages,
      I'm hiding in Thee.

        Hiding in Thee,
            hiding in Thee,
        Thou blest Rock of Ages,
            I'm hiding in Thee.

In the calm of the noontide,
    in sorrow's lone hour,
In times when temptation
    casts o'er me its power;
  In the tempests of life,
      on its wide, heaving sea,
  Thou blest Rock of Ages,
      I'm hiding in Thee.

How oft in the conflict,
    when pressed by the foe,
I have fled to my refuge
    and breathed out my woe;
  How often, when trials
      like sea billows roll,
  Have I hidden in Thee,
      O Thou rock of my soul.

1876 William O Cushing 1823-1902
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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