Dyred/Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd

(Llwyddiant yr Efengyl)
Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd,
  Lle teyrnasa'r dywyll nos;
Na'd fod rhan o'r byd heb wybod,
  Am dy chwerw angau loes:
    Pa'm bydd poen, addfwyn Oen,
Am dano yn eitha'r
      byd heb sôn?

O gwna i mi brofi sypiau,
  Sypiau peraidd
        rawn y wlad,
Blas maddeuant pur a heddwch,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd
        tŷ fy Nhad,
    Dyma hwy, perlau mwy,
  Gloddiwyd yn ei farwol glwy.

             - - - - -
         1,2,(3);  1,3,(4).

Dyred, Iesu, i'r ardaloedd
  Lle teyrnasa tywyll nos;
N'ad fod rhan o'r byd
      heb wybod
  Am dy chwerw angau loes:
    Pa'm bydd poen addfwyn Oen
  Am dano'n eithaf
        byd heb sôn?

Aed i'r dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
  Aed i eitha'r
        India draw,
I fod hoelion dur cadarnaf,
  Yn ei draed ac yn ei law,
    Doed y'nghyd,
          eitha'r byd,
  I wel'd tegwch dy wynebpryd.

Doed Paganiaid yn eu t'wyllwch,
  Doed y Negroes dua'u lliw,
Doed addolwyr yr eilunod
  I wel'd tegwch Iesu'n Dduw:
    Doed pob un, yn gyttun,
  Mewn i wleddoedd
        wedi eu trin.

O darfydded Canaaneaid
  Mwy'i drigo yn y wlad;
Na ddoed sillaf bach o enau
  Neb, ond am
        rinweddau'th waed:
    Deaed llu, heb ddim rhi',
  Fyth i ganu am Galfari.
Paganiaid yn eu t'wyllwch :: Paganiaid y twyllwch

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878767]:
Devetia (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Dolfor/Sardis (alaw Gymreig)
Newport (<1835)
Priscilla (D J James 1743-1831)
Rheidol (John Roberts 1822-77)

  Arglwydd anfon dy leferydd
  Rhwng Pih'iroth a Baalsephon

(The Success of the Gospel)
Come, Jesus, into the regions
  Where the darkness of night holds sway;
Let not part of the world be unknowing
  About thy bitter deathly anguish;
     Why should pain, dear Lamb,
  Not be told about
        to the ends of the world?

Oh make me experience clusters,
  The clusters of the sweet
        grapes of the land,
The taste of pure forgiveness and peace,
  The delightful feast
        of my Father's house,
    Here they are, larger pearls,
  Buried in his mortal wound.

                - - - - -

Come, Jesus, into the regions
  Where the darkness of night holds sway;
Let not part of the world be
    without knowledge
  About thy bitter deathly anguish;
     Why should pain, dear Lamb,
  Not be told about
        to the ends of the world?

May it go to the east and the west,
  May it go to the extremity
        of yonder India,
To be the strongest steel nails,
  In his feet and in his hand,
      May the extremity of the world
            come together,
  To see the fairness of thy countenance.

Let the Pagans come in their darkness,
  Let the Negroes of blackest colour come,
Let the worshippers of the idols come
  To see the fairness of Jesus as God:
    Let every one come, in agreement,
  Into the feasts that
        have been prepared.

O may the Canaanites perish
  Henceforth from dwelling in the land;
Let no small syllable come from mouths
  Of anyone, but about
        the merits of thy blood:
    Let a host come, without any number,
  Forever to sing about Calvary.
Pagans ... in their darkness :: Pagans of the darkness ...

tr. 2013,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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