Wyt ti'n llwythog a lluddedig? (Wyt ti'n llesg a chlaf?)

Kόπoν τε καὶ κάματoν; / Art thou weary art thou languid?

Wyt ti'n llwythog a lluddedig?
  Wyt ti'n llesg a chlaf?
"Ataf tyr'd," medd Un, "a'th ofid

A oes nodau i'w adnabod,
  Os f'Arweinydd yw?
"Mae'n ei draed a'i
    ddwylo a'i ystlys
  Ôl ei friw."

Ar ei ben, os Ef yw 'Mrenin,
  A oes goron gain?
"Ar ei ben yn wir mae coron -
  Coron ddrain."

Os ei gael a wnaf, a'i ddilyn,
  Beth fydd yma i mi?
"Mynych alar, mynych lafur,
  Mynych gri."

Os parhaf i lynu wrtho,
  Beth fydd im rhagllaw?
"Diwedd galar, diwedd llafur,
  Glanio draw."

Os gofynnaf iddo 'nerbyn,
  A warafun Ef?
"Na wna byth, nes myned heibio,
  Ddaer a nef."

A oes dilys fendith ganddo
  Wedi'r cyni a'r loes?
"Sant, apostol, prophwyd, merthyr,
  Etyb, 'Oes!'"
cyf. John Morris-Jones 1864-1929

Tonau [8583]:
    Frondeg (David Evans 1874-)
    Primrose Hill (Martin Shaw 1876-)

Wyt ti'n llwythog a blinderog? (A oes arnat glwy?)
Wyt ti'n llwythog a blinderog (Gan dy bla a'th glwy)?
Wyt ti'n llwythog a blinderog? (Wyt ti'n teimlo'th glwy?)
Wyt ti'n llwythog a lluddedig?

Art thou burdened and exhausted?
  Art thou feeble and wounded?
"Come to me," says One, "and thy griefs
  I shall ease."

Are there marks for me to recognize,
  If he is my Guide?
"There are in his feet and his
    hands and his side
  The mark of his wound."

On his head, if he is my King,
  Is there an intricate crown?
"On his head there is truly a crown -
  A crown of thorns."

If I find him and follow him,
  What shall there be here for me?
"Frequent mourning, frequent labour,
  Frequent weeping."

If I continue to stick to him,
  What shall be for me hereafter?
"An end to mourning, an end to labour,
  Landing yonder."

If I ask him to receive me,
  Will He refuse?
"He will never, until earth
  And heaven pass away."

Does he have an unfailing blessing
  After the adversity and the anguish?
"A saint, apostle, prophet, martyr,
  Reply, 'He does!'"
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
Art thou weary, art thou languid,
  Art thou sore distrest?
"Come to Me," saith One, "and, coming,
 Be at rest."

Hath He marks to lead me to Him,
  If He be my Guide?
"In His feet and hands
    are wound-prints,
  And His side."

Is there diadem, as Monarch,
  That His brow adorns?
"Yea, a crown, in very surety,
  But of thorns."

"If I find Him, if I follow,
 What His guerdon here?
Many a sorrow, many a labour,
  Many a tear.

If I still hold closely to Him,
  What hath He at last?
Sorrow vanquished, labour ended,
  Jordan passed.

If I ask Him to receive me,
  Will He say me nay?
"Not till earth and not till heaven
  Pass away."

Finding, following, keeping, struggling,
  Is He sure to bless?
"Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs,
  Answer, 'Yes.'"
tr. John M Neale 1818-1866
Hymns for the Eastern Church 1862
from the Greek:
Κόπoν τε καὶ κάματoν;
(Stephen of Mar Saba, C8th.)

Tunes [8583]:
    Christus Consolator (1868 John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
    Cuttle Mills (William Griffith 1867-1929)
    Stephanos (Henry W Baker 1821-77)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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