Yn nodded gras y nef

Yn nodded gras y nef
  Wynebwn ar y byd;
Nid ofnwn ei drallodion ef,
  Na'i demtasiynau i gyd.

Er maint ei lafur blin
  A'i aml ofidiau maith,
Fe leddfa Duw yr arw hin,
  Fe ysgafnhâ y gwaith.

Yn haeddiant gwaed y Groes
  Wynebwn orsedd Duw;
Er amled yw pechodau oes
  Cawn yn ei gysgod fyw.

Yng nghwmni Iesu Grist
  Wynebwn angau prudd;
Try Ef y nos-gysgodau trist
  Yn hyfryd fore-ddydd,

Wynebwn ar y bedd
  Ond cael yr Iesu'n rhan,
Mewn gobaith deffro ar ei wedd,
  A chodi'n iach i'r làn.

Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-1895

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Downing (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Mynydd Ephraim (Benjamin Milgrove c.1731-1810)
St Michael (Salmydd Ffrengig 1551)
Sarah (Arnold)

In the protection of heaven's grace
  Let us face the world;
Let us not fear its adversities,
  Nor all its temptations.

Despite the extent of its weary labour
  And its frequent great fears,
God will calm the rough weather,
  He will lighten the work.

In the virtue of the blood of the Cross
  Let us face God's throne;
Despite how frequent are sins of an age
  We may live in his shadow.

In the company of Jesus Christ
  Let us face sad death;
He will turn the sad night-shadows
  Into delightful morning.

Let us face the grave
  But get Jesus as a lot,
In hope of awakening in his sight,
  And rising safely to the shore.
Let us :: I would
We may :: I would get to

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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