Yng nghanol pob trallodion maith

(Digonedd Gras Crist)
Yng nghanol pob trallodion maith,
A ni'n diffygio ar ein taith,
  O! Arglwydd doeth, amlyga Di
  Mai digon yw dy ras i ni.

Pan fyddo ffydd ymron llesgáu,
Ac ofnau lu o'n cylch yn cau;
  Dal ni i'r lan, a dangos Di
  Mai digon yw dy ras i ni.

Pan fyddo'n calon ynfyd, wan,
Yn hyn o fyd yn ceisio rhan,
  Dwg ni yn ôl, a dangos Di
  Mai digon yw dy ras i ni.

A phan ddaw arnom angau du,
Bydd inni'n gymorth o bob tu;
  Drwy'r dyffryn tywyll dangos Di
  Mai digon yw dy ras i ni.
cyf. Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956-74

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Llef (Griffith H Jones 1849-1919)
Spires (Martin Luther 1483-1546)

(The Sufficiency of the Grace of Christ)
In the midst of vast troubles,
And we tiring on our journey,
  O, wise Lord, make Thou evident
  That sufficient is thy grace for us.

When faith be almost languishing,
And fears of a host around us closing;
  Keep us up, and show Thou
  That sufficient is thy grace for us.

When our heart be foolish, weak,
In this of the world seeking a part,
  Draw us back, and show Thou
  That sufficient is thy grace for us.

And when upon us comes black death,
Be to us a help on every side;
  Through the dark vale show Thou
  That sufficient is thy grace for us.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

Archibald Rutherford
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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