Copyright Analogies
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Hackwrench Anti-Copyright Page

Recent ZD Net News Article on copyright and free speech
recent as of 6/11/2001

The Goverment's Power to grant copyright is given in the Constitution by these lines:

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

We believe that the Copyright Laws currently enacted by Congress to be in excess of those necessary to promote the progress of science, and thus in violation of the Constitution, which does not give them that power.

None of the arguments for extension take into consideration the loss to both revenue and culture represented by the absence of new popular works that are not created because underlying works that would have served as a foundation remain under the control of a copyright owner. By definition, this loss can never be known, but that makes it no less real or substantial. -- Written Testimony of Dennis S.Karjala

"There is nothing less at risk than human progress and prosperity," - Richard Brass, Microsoft vice president of technology development

I agree, but Richard Brass and I would be at odds as to how to best achieve human progress and prosperity. I believe that copyright takes materials out of the hands of people, and therefore should be eliminated.

On thing the Recording Industry would like everyone to forget is that Intellectual Property is not like other property in that it falls into the public domain after many years.

A few links

Union for the Public Domain

The Constitution of the United States
The U.S. Government's 'Copyright Basics' page

Digital Future Coalition
First Sale doctrine

Written Testimony of Dennis S. Karjala