

~ Chapter 4 ~

After they were done performing the Indigo Clamdiggers put their instruments away and walked off stage.

"Great job!" exclaimed Ali.

"Yeah, that was cool!" said Renee.

"Thanks, we’re glad you liked our performance," Andrew said, smiling at Ali.


~ * ~


After the crew and clean up people cleaned up Mom’s Music and the bands had put their stuff in their cars, Andrew and Chris came over to Renee’s house. They went down to the basement, ate pizza, and listened to music.

"Lets play Truth or Dare," Chris said excitedly.

"Ok, cool!" Ali said.

Renee gave them all weird looks.

"Don’t ya think we’re a little too old for this guys?"

"Oh, C’Mon Renee!" Chris looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," Renee smiled and looked at Ali who wanted to go first.

"Ok, truth or dare?" Ali asked Chris with a large grin on her face hoping he would say dare.

"Dare." He answered to Ali’s (*and soon to be Renee’s) advantage.

"I dare you to kiss Renee for 30 seconds!" Ali deviously dared him.

As the words slipped from Ali’s mouth Chris thought to himself, "I’ll kiss her longer than that!"

Chris grinned and said aloud, "That’s too easy!"

They got together and started kissing romantically. After their 30 seconds were over they were still kissing.

"Uh, guys, your 30 seconds are up," Andrew said.

Renee just waved her hand in a motion that meant to leave them alone.

"Well, since they had to ruin the game, what do you wanna do?" Ali asked.

"I don’t care," Andrew said smiling.

"You wanna watch a movie or something?"


"What shall it be?" Ali asked moving over to Renee’s video case, "Lost Boys, Ace Venture Pet Detective, Now and Then, Young Guns, or Dracula?"

"Lost Boys is fine," Andrew replied.

Ali took the tape out, put it on top of the VCR, and decided to go upstairs.

" I’ll go get some snacks upstairs, you might want to check on Renee and Chris to see if they bit each others heads off yet!" Ali said and Andrew laughed.

While Ali ran upstairs, Andrew went to check on them. They had moved onto the couch and were majorly making out. Then Chris looked up and gave Andrew a thumbs up while still kissing (*boys can do amazing things! LOL!)

Andrew said, "Moving a little fast there, don’t ya think?"

As he said this, Renee threw a pillow at him, and went back to what she was doing.

Andrew went back to where the TV was, and Ali came down with popcorn (*Renee’s fave snack), Doritos (*Ali’s fave!), Big Reds (*Renee and Ali’s fave drink), and, of course, Jolly Ranchers (*Don’t forget, Ali loves Jolly Ranchers. She is basically obsessed with them!)

"Yes, you have Jolly Ranchers, those are my fave candy!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Mine too! That’s cool!" Ali told him sticking one in her mouth (*to be more specific, it was a cherry one!)

~ * ~


After about thirty minutes into the movie, and about 12 Jolly Ranchers, each, Andrew decided to lie down, and Ali laid her head on his chest. He looked into her eyes, and then they started kissing. To Andrew, Ali tasted like candy, his favorite candy, Jolly Ranchers. Which didn’t bother him, it turned him on even more! They were soon making out (*and yes, Renee and Chris were still making’ out then too.)

In about an hour (*Jeez! Renee and Chris need to slow down, but I’m not gonna stop ‘em! LOL!)

Renee and Chris finally came into the other room where Andrew and Ali were, sat down, and watched the movie, Renee on Chris’s lap. Andrew and Ali stopped kissing and sat up. Then, both couples got into their own conversations.

"Um, Renee," Chris started, "I want to give you my phone #, k?" Renee looked around for a piece of paper. She found some, he wrote his # down, as did she.

Soon, afterwards Andrew and Ali also exchanged their numbers. The two couples sat back and started actually paying attention to the movie. So far, for Renee and Ali, life was great, but it was about to get even better.











Chapter 5

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