Chapter 12

note: it gets rough here!!!!

Alana ran and got into her car and just drove for hours. it was now late at night and she was scared of what was happening. her life was turned upside down,from being miss beautifully perfect,to now a whore with a lot of scars on her. she had noticed them by now.She had wondered who that jerk that impregnated her was? "I've got to talk to greg." she says as she makes a u turn. as she approached his house she got a scared feeling. she didn't know what was wrong,she just felt that something was...the doorbell rang. No one answered. she rung it again. none. Then suddenly someone came to the door and said,"go in the back.". "hey i just want to know if greg's there?" she yelled up to the window."come around to the back," said the male voice again. "that's funny,she said to herself,"it didn't sound like greg." but she did as they asked her. she ran around to the back and opened the gate. She looked around and she couldn't see a thing. then a man jumped out and grabbed her. she tried to scream but she couldn't. "just stay quiet." he said as he tried to get her inside. she bit him and kicked him and the taste of his bitter blood filled her mouth. "Bitch, he screamed. then he slapped her and threw her inside."what the fuck r u doing?" she asked wipeing the blood from her mouth. "who the fuck are you?" she looked at them and she wondered,and a memory slapped her in the face. as they told her. "hey remember us alana?" "we would pretend to be his friend then harass greg and hurt him,well he fucking stole my god damn car!" he yelled in her face. she breathed slowly. she started to remember them beign his friends. and she rememberd Nolen, the guy that raped her. "no one touches my car!" he hissed. "i remember seeing him on the desert road, and he was driveing my car,no one was around so we decided to play a little game with him" "we rammed into him and kept doing it until my my fucking car was pushed into the ocean." he looked at her. "what the fuck did u do that for?" alana screamed. "you fucking asshole u make me sick!" she yelled trying to get past the guy that was blocling the door but he pushed her down. "ohh come on alana, u and i both know that he's dead, i can see it in your eyes..." "and u know what ,he is dead!" he said not careing how she felt. "why....why do u want me here?" "God what, do u want me to keep it secret or tell a lie when i'm quesationed? what?" "no..." we want u to be in our gang, we listen to only rock music." he said bluntley. "fuck that." she said pushing the guys and almost making it to the door. "don't u want ot be as popular a courtney?" "what,is she in here too?" alana asked angrily. "No,actully we're planning something for her though." "just let me fucking go okay,i wont tell anyone anything.....just.....let me leave." she said trying to stay calm. "where do u have to go?" "the hospital." she said slowly." "no you're not going anywhere" one of the guys said. and then another one spoke up. "Hey, i think i remember u?" he said. "you're pregnant huh?" "oh my god ...." was all she thought. she ran and kicked the guy in the balls and headed for her car. she quickley opened the door and jumped in rushing to find her keys. As she was doing that all the guys came running out. She put the keys in her car and rushed off driving fast. she was driving around the streets L.A. at night in the rain,which isn't the safest thing to do. just then her wheel poped from a gun shot. "shit!" she thought as she jumped out of the car and started running. as she was running there was a car that was behind her blasting Papa roache's song "Last resort" she ran through an alley,and slipped and fell. "cause i'm loseing my site losing my mind wish somebody would tell me i'm fine" the song was trailing up behind she got up slowly trying to be quick about it. she felt her raw lip which was bleeding and limped fast trying to get to the fence. as she got there she jumped and started to climb the fence. and her jeans got caught. "she's on the fence!" on of them yelled. "shit' she just ripped the jean fabric out of the wire and climed faster. "ahhhh......they grabbed her leg and pulled her down while she was holding and still trying to climb the fence. which made her face bleed cause they were scrapeing it against the fence. her hair got caught and they still pulled her so it ripped off. "what the fuck were u thinking going against us?" one of them said,pushing her into the fence. "just......Leave me alone!" she screamed. "shut the fuck up!" he said as he slapped her. "i think you'd bettter be taught a lesson." he whispered in her ear as her pulled her into the car "stop" she yelled and fell to the ground. she kicked one of the guys in his stomach. He threw her face into the ground as he screamed in pain. she felt her face and she could barely see with all the blood seeping itno her eyes. "!" she started saying as she was crying. each different guy watched him stuff his penis into her cunt. he was on top of her and she could barely move. it hurt,he was very aggressive."stop!" she screamed and grabbed his cock and went out the other door. "god damn bitch!" he yelled into the air in pain. she started running and tried to stop crying. she must've ran at least two miles until she got to taylor's house. When he opened it he saw alana,frightened wet,crying,and bleeding.

Chapter 13

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