Chaptrer 14

Alana looked at the picture of herself with greg and saw what she had become. she had to get out of this she had to leave she needed a break from life. she didn't want to live anymore. she started to cry and looked in the mirror. "what have i become?" she asked herself. "why the fuck would i do this to myself!!!" she screamed loudly. " FUCK MY LIFE!!! she yelled and ran to the bathroom. she looked at all the pills that she had."i wont have to hide i wont have to be afraid pain will be gone soon and i'll never have to feel again.... " she said softly eyeing all the bottled pills that she had. and with that she took the whole bottle of mixed drugs and poured thenm into her mouth. she got a second bottle and poured only half in her mouth. all of a sudden she felt awful ands sick. flashes of her life was going through her head. the christmas when she was 6years old and got a puppy. the night she and her friend Christiana did spells and made potions, the day she had moved away from her troubled life in Oregon. and she remembered.....Christiana and her how they both kissed eachother when her family was fighting. these memories made her want to live,theyu made her see that she had a lot to live for. but then, she was walking. she was walking through a hall and there were clouds and a sunset. "where am i?" she asked out loud. she saw her family and how they were crying. she saw her friends and how they all got a long now. she missed them. she walked closer towards the bright light then she fell. crystal blue raindrops fell on her as she fell down a spiral and she woke up. she was breathing hard and she saw that she was in an ambulence. the paramedics stuck a tube down her throat and made her throw up. once she was stable she talked with the doctors for hours she was allowed to have visitors. alana decided to have an abortion and she decided to get help. she didn't need to be alone anymore. and even though she hated to say it,she was happy to be alive.


Chapter 15 Coming Soon!

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