Chapter 3

Alana Hopped in Tay’s silver BMW. It was a really nice

Car she thought to herself. "You have a nice car," she said, a little nervous. "Thank you, so where is the party at again?" "Oh just go to club 60 then take a right down hillsdale and then you look for the house with all the cars and people outside and in and... Just look for the house that looks like a party house," she said embarrassed that she had a motor mouth. "Here we are. Is they’re going to be drinking here?" Tay asked concerned. "Yeah I guess." Alana said as she opened the car door. " "Wait what are you doing Tay?" she asked. "I'm not going to leave you here alone where there's drinking and guys and date rape....." "Tay you don't have to worry, just pick me up at a certain time, its 9:00 right now so how about 2:00?" she asked hoping he'd agree. "Okay...Just.... Just be careful, please?" "Okay." "See you at two o'clock. Bye" "bye." Alana went inside and automatically everyone looked at her. "Hi." she said self- consciously. Just as Courtney was about to tell everyone a lie about Alana to ruin her, she caught sight of her. "Damn." she thought. "Oh my god, (she caught a glimpse of Courtney) court how could you do this to me?" she asked angrily. "I was feeling much better. Sorry I didn't call." Courtney said panicking a little. "It's okay, I guess." "Well have a beer and relax its partying time." "Okay." suddenly a guy grabbed her and wouldn't let go. "Get off of me!" she screamed. "Wow aaa Alana, you have big soft breasts." the drunk teenager slurred. "Ewww." Alana thought to herself as she pushed him off. She decided not to have a beer, she didn't want to be like that drunken teen down stairs. She went into the bedroom upstairs and saw a boy with dirty blond hair. "Oh I’m sorry, I didn't mean to come in, I mean I didn't know someone was in here." she said quickly. "It's okay my name's Scott. Hey I remember you from a concert" "Oh yeah, hey I’m Alana." "Yeah. Well I’m going to go get a beer. See ya later." "Bye" Alana thought about Scott and how cute he was. "Hmmm, maybe I’ll get a beer too," she thought. She went down stairs and grabbed a beer from the ones in the cups already to be served. "Okay." Alana took a swug and totally got disgusted. It was like something was rotting in her mouth. In an act to look cool she swallowed it. And drank another one. " Hey." a boy with blonde hair went up to her. "Hi." she said. "Ummm my name's Nolen and I think I like you." "Hi Nolen, I’m Alana and I think you're sweet." she said smiling a little not knowing he was drunk. "Okay thank you for saying I’m sweet." he said hugging her in a different direction so she couldn't see her drink. "Okay well I want to talk to you up stairs it's private. Okay." "Okay.' she said with a sigh and she finished her beer, now Alana had a little too much to drink because she wouldn't be so stupid if she was sober. As they made it to a room up stairs Alana started to feel dizzy and tired. "I think I’ve got to lie down," she said. "Okay here lie here on the bed I’m just going to shut the door and get you some water, don't go anywhere." he said as he locked the door. When he came back he noticed that she was passed out. "Good it worked." he said with a smile and turned off the lights.


Chapter 4

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