Chapter 4

"What the hell is going on in here?" Said the male's voice as he turned on the lights. It was Scott and he came back to get his black jacket. Before he got his jacket off the ground he noticed that girl he met before. "Oh my god, Alana." he said scared. He walked towards the bed and stared in shock. What he saw was frightening. Alana was on the ground, cold and shivering. She had bluish bags under her honey colored eyes and her usually tan skin was now a pale white. She looked like she had taken drugs and fucked a lot of men in one night. As he walked closer he saw that her dark red dress had bloodstains on it and that it was ripped. He took one glance at her pubic area and saw that her silky white panties were covered in blood and white goo. "Oh my god." he said in a scared tone. "I've got to get her to the hospital." Even though he didn't know anything about her or her parents or anything, he couldn't just leave her there. Scott quickly dressed her in the ripped dress, put a jacket on her and carried her out to his car. No one noticed of course because everyone that was staying was totally wasted. When Scott reached the hospital the paramedics quickly had her stomach pumped, checked to see if she was raped, which was painfully obvious, and gave her medication. It was 2:00 a.m. and Taylor was looking all over for her. "Hey have you seen Alana?" he asked a little worried. "No mannnnn Sorrayyyyy." said a drunken teenage boy. "Oh waitttt, she was taken to the hospital, because she fell into a concussion." The drunken teen laughed and fell to the ground. Back at the hospital Alana was doing okay. The doctors said none of the sperm went into her so she was safe. When Tay got there he heard that her friends took her home and that she was safe. "Who took Alana here though?" he asked a blonde nurse. "Well, he didn't leave a name or anything, but he had dirty blonde hair." "That's all I know anyway." 'Okay thank you." Tay said a little disappointed in Alana and he left.

Chapter 5

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