Chapter 6

After the movie ended they all walked out tired and not knowing what to say. ", good movie, huh?" Kat said trying to start up a conversation. "Personaly, I think they could've made it better." Greg answered. "Yeah, you're right." said alana quietly. They all walked across the parking lot and into talked for a little while. "Well, I guess we should say goodbye." said Kat a little sadley." Hey, I got an idea." Kat said quickly. "Greg you have a car right?" "Um, yeah, why?" he said. "Well i was thinking that maybe you could take alana with you in your car because you two live so close to eachother."Alana froze. "Okay sure" he said with a small smile. "okay i'll call you tonight 'lana. bye" kate said as she got in her bug. "Bye." said alana a little stunned by what just happened. "So, how long have you and kat been friends?" "Since forever." she replied with a smile. "So why don't you hang out with her anymore." "Greg, do you know anything about....Well see there are certian crowds...and....well, forget I said anything." she said quickly. "Oh, no I understand perfectly." He said. "You can't hang out with her, because of your reputation." he said matter of factly. "Listen, i didn't mean that, what i meant was...."Just admit it. he said. "Your popularity means more to you than life itself, it's like I don't even exist to you." "I'm sorry....I didin't mean to...I'm sorry." She said. Alana could not believe that someone would actuly, confront her like that. No one has ever done that to her before. It was compleatley new. "Look, I shouldn't have said some of the things i said to you like that. I'm sorry too." he said nicely as he parked the car. Alana looked down and smiled. "You know, I always knew where you lived." "I just never got the chance to find out who the real gregory is." He started to smile."But I do know that I want to get to know the real Greg so I could be better friends with him, will you let me?" "Yeah, that'll be nice." "Okay, well i'll see you later. Bye." she said bye and kissed him on the cheek. Later on alana tried calling courtney, but she wasn't there so she hung up the phone and thought about what else she could on that day, but she decided to just go to sleep and rest her thoughts until morning.


Chapter 7

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