chapter 8

When she saw the note she looked so scared. "God what is this?" she thought to herself. when she opened it she was a little relieved to see that her mom was going to be in washington for a buisness trip and there was money on the table for food to last 3 weeks. well alana didn't need food so she decided to go shopping. so she called up Kat, grabbed the money and a jacket, because it looked like summer rain, and dashed out the door, not careing that scott was gone. When suddenly she saw greg. "what is he doing here again?" she thought to herself with a small smile. "Hi kat said she didn't feel well so she wanted me to take u to the mall or wherever you want to go." he said nicely. "actully, alana started, do you want to go to the beach on saturday, my mom has a beach house up there and we never use it, so i thought since i'm thinking of having a party up there that maybe you could....." "Sure i'll go." he said as he opened the door for alana to get in. "so you wanna go to the mall?" "Ummm, yeah i wanted to buy a new bathing suit anyway, so sure." she said looking straight out the window. "I love the way she smells, he thought, almost like, rain drops on roses. he loved it. "lets go." When alana tried on the first bathing suit she was kinda shy, but she still came out to model it for greg. "it looks beautiful." he said. "do you really think so?" she said, looking in the mirror fixing her hair. "Yeah try on the other ones." he said. so alana and greg spent the whole time at the mall, greg watching alana try on shoes, shirts,shorts,pants,makeup,hair accesories,jewlery,and even more bathing suits. He loved watching her have a good time. "Well i guess we're done." she said in a very tired tone. "Yeah, i'll take you home." then suddenly alana caught sight of courtney. "oh my god what is she doing here?" she thought. "Hey alana, i told everyone that you were having a party, and they're all coming." she yelled across the parking lot. "okay thanks" she yelled back and left. "well thanks for taking me shopping, i hade a great time." "yeah well you better get inside, it's raining." "yeah okay, bye." she said and left. "Great, he thought to himself, now i'm in the friend zone, i'm never going to have a chane with her. Then all of a sudden a car pulled out and crashed right into the front of greg's car. Greg was injured very badely and was taken to the hospital immediatly with alana not knowing.

Chapter 9

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