My daughter, just as I spoke to Solomon so long ago, so also do I speak to you today. I have heard thy prayers and have chosen this place to Myself for an house of sacrifice...the sacrifice of prayer, praise and worship.
I must have bodies of believers who will come together and seek My face, who, when disasters come will be fervent in their prayers for deliverance, who will humble themselves before Me and intercede for their land. All those who come into this house have I called for this task.
I say unto you, My daughter, My eyes shall be open and My ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that My Name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart may be there perpetually.
I believe that this blessing goes with me and rests on every home that I occupy.
And so it was, in my little home, in a town in southern Ontario, a little group of believers coming together for Bible Study and prayer. The Lord was present in our midst and we saw many answers to our prayers. However we were not having much impact on our town. The fellowship that we enjoyed together as a group was wonderful and we grew in the Lord, perhaps content to bask in our own satisfaction but lacking the boldness to proclaim Jesus Christ to the mltitudes. My friend, the Salvation Army captain, admonished me one day saying, "Your group should be ashamed, containing all this power of the Holy Spirit within these walls and not winning your town for Jesus." As I ponder on those days I regret that we did not produce more fruit for God's kingdom.
In the beginning, as I shared what I believed the Lord was saying about preparing for the last days by getting our houses in order spiritually and able to stand before Him, cleansed and purified of our sins and of preparing physically by filling our storehouses, we felt an excitement as we shared with each other. Each of us began to put into practice what we felt the Lord was teaching us about becoming spiritually prepared and sought to become what He wanted us to be.
I gradually began to feel doubt arising in our midst regarding food storage and I too began to doubt I had really heard from the Lord. At this point I put all messages concerning the
storing of food, on the shelf, so to speak, where they were to remain for almost two years, yet always watching and listening for a confirmation. In the meantime my husband and I filled our
storehouse as we believed the Lord was leading us.