My little ones, My heart grieves as I see how ill prepared you are for these last days and the turmoil the world is embroiled in. I tell you, My people, if only you would be obedient to all that I am endeavouring to teach you through My Word you would be able to walk in My Spirit and live in victory. You are closing your eyes to the signs around you that would reveal the closeness of My coming.
You are continually talking about how you must witness of Me to your neighbours and friends, but you are not doing it. Think on it, My children, they are destined to an eternity in hell if someone doesn't tell them the simple message of salvation through accepting Me as their Saviour.
O My children, I am calling you to spread the Good news of salvation whether you want to or you do not. You need to speak boldly to all those with whom you come in contact with, whether they rebuff you or not. Even as you plant the tiniest seed I shall send someone to water it and sometimes someone else to harvest it.
As the time of sorrows comes ever closer, many of you are turning aside to the many winds of doctrines which have been spread abroad. You have developed itching ears, no longer desirous of hearing the truth of My Word but seeking teachers who will tell you what you want to hear.
My path is not easy to tread and is fraught with afflictions and trials, but I tell you, the end of that path is wonderful peace and joy in the knowledge that you have been obedient and that your reward will be great.
My children, be ever seeking for discernment so that you can try the spirits and know instantly if something is not of Me.
Yea, My people, there shall be scoffers as these last days progress, but be not concerned as you speak out for Me, for I shall protect and keep you.
My children, do not let the devil trample all over you or put upon you his devices to harm you for My Holy Spirit within you gives you all power over him. So many of you do not know the power you contain within you, and allow the evil one to walk all over you. Diligently search My Scriptures and learn to don your battle attire and stand against his wiles.
Come, My beloved children, open those blind eyes, unstop those closed ears and hear and see that which I bring unto you this day. Let not the world distract you from the path I have chosen for you, knowing that as you stay within its borders My protection and guidance shall be with you.