Thus saith the Lord...
Little children, these are the last days, the very last days. You are seeing Bible prophecies being fulfilled right before your eyes as never before. You are seeing nations crumbling, you are seeing the economy of your nation shake, you are seeing a new educational system being introduced into your schools which is satanic in origin. You are seeing the implementing of the introduction of the Mark of the Beast coming into being.
You are seeing the fulfilment of this Scripture...
Multitudes there be who fit this description and care not for the things of Me. I tell you, My people, I shall shake them mightily by the events I am allowing to come upon the world and you, My people, must be prepared to lead them to Me.
My little ones, so many of you have never considered what it would mean not be able to buy or sell. I ask you now to mentally put yourself in that position and seek to discover that which you could do now to provide for that day. Yes, I am going to care for you, My people, after you have done all you can to prepare. You can begin to gather the fruit of the fields into your garner. You can begin to assemble items to be used for barter, you can obtain those things you would need when you cannot buy or sell.
My children, you need not be fearful for I shall guide you. I have a plan for each one of you and as you seek My will for you I shall reveal to you in detail what I desire you to do and shall give you the wherewithal to accomplish it.
Once you have accepted the fact that perilous times are increasing then shall I make a way for you to prepare for them. You will need to spend every possible moment with Me, praying and consuming My Word. My little ones, you need to know what My Word says, you need to absorb it and meditate upon it for therein is your safety, your guidance, your protection, your healing, your all. Be in remembrance that the day will come when you no longer have My word so I admonish you to store it in your hearts while there is yet time.
My people, as each day passes you will witness more and more tribulation coming upon the world. If you are obediently following Me you need not be anxious or afraid. Those who do not heed My words of warning shall encounter very perilous times.
You ask, "What shall I do with my money now?" I say unto you, first and foremost, begin to support My ministries as I direct you so that they can bring the Gospel to all the world. Do not trust any of the investments that the world offers but rather put your money into concrete things such as houses, property, food and other things I will show you. Unlatch yourselves as much as possible from the world system and become as nearly self sufficient as possible.
Love not your material things so much that you would be unwilling to sacrifice them for Me. Be flexible and willing to go where I want you to go, to be what I want you to be, and to do what I want you to do.
Trust Me, My children, trust Me in all things and I shall protect you and guide you. Let faith rule your hearts, believing in My sustenance and committing your all unto Me.