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I am really happy to receive such a wonderful reply from you. I believe God has called you for such a time as this to reveal 'HIS MASTER PLAN' to humanity. May God, who sees in secret reward you according to the nature and condition of your heart. I don't have any Grandma, and I wish to acknowledge you as my Grandma. Godly Grandmas always speak to their grandchildren about Jesus and eternity. Thank you for the new web sites, and your time. They have been a blessing to me and my family. Thank you and may God continue to sustain you and keep you until the end of your ministry. Pastor A.M.
Thank you so much for your prophetic words on your web site. They have confirmed many other words given to me for these troubling times to come and have given me a sense of comfort and peace. May God bless you richly. G.C.
Thank you for your response. The word of the Lord through you was timely, to say the least. The Lord had forewarned me about this prior to receiving His word through you. Also I sensed that He would be sending me confirmation. What I didn't know was that it would be so powerful that I would find myself on the floor, crying out for forgiveness and mercy. It was not the first time the Lord had spoken to me about my tongue, but this time He broke me down. In Feb. 2006 He spoke these words to me, "Speak less, listen more and watch closely. For I, the Lord will show you much." He went on to say, "You cannot speak ill of anyone. You must speak life in every situation. Surely what you speak shall be. Be mindful to take care of what comes out of your mouth."
I cannot thank you enough for your obedience to move forward with what the Lord was saying. I am not kidding when I say I believe that word has saved my life. D.C.
I am glad to hear that God is speaking through you with warnings of what is to come. It is so important for each of us to put forth the message that so few seem to listen to. I am even more glad that some have come to salvation where you are. God bless you for what you are doing. It is so sad that churches will not receive this message but everyone who will be a mouthpiece for the Lord will be blessed for what they do. God bless. T.G.
From your web site got to lay hands on your experience and knowledge that God has bestowed upon you, to give light to people that need light like me. I thank God for leading me to your material that will bring me up to certain level of maturity in Christ. G.S.
May God richly bless you for the great work you are doing. Ministering such kind of healing in the body of Christ. I came across you while surfing and was so touched and blessed by what you are doing during this End Time. May God bless you and increase you. Pastor S.W.
I just wanted you to know that the words I read were so powerful for my life and I know it was not a mistake that I came across this message you have put forth. I want to read it to everyone who comes across my path. V.H.
I thank God for you. I celebrate your FAITH that reaches out to Him your LOVE that reaches out to others, your character that the Lord's hand has shaped to be an expression of His grace and your HEART that is fixed upon Him and is tender to His ways. I pray your life be filled with the richest treasures of His grace, the deepest joys of His goodness and the fullest measure of His love. Just to let you know that you are in my prayers. Be blessed. R.K.
I have read and re-read your message from April 27,2006 (Joy to the Sorrowing) over and over again. You see this message speaks to me. My son died on April 3, 2006, and you already know the circumstance of my dream and my question to you before his death. Somehow the Lord wanted me to see your site and communicate with you. Sometimes I feel that I must meet you to feel the strength that God has given you, so perhaps then I can get the courage and strength I need to carry out His will. I am just too timid or caught up in life to be an effective apostle of His Word. Nevertheless my life has changed dramatically. I wake up thinking of Him. I spend my time trying to understand more of the gospels and I am sometimes overwhelmed with thoughts of my son on his knees before the Lord. Thankfully God is merciful and patient. You are blessed to spread God's words. You truly have been given a great gift. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. J.S.
I am glad to hear from you and to know that you are fine by His grace. You have made a great impact in my life. Your ministry of impart and prayer has lifted me to the next level. I thank you so much for your prayers for me and my ministry. Be blessed. I thank my God for connecting me to you.I am blessed always when you write to me. You have really affected my life and I appreciate it. I thank God that He is doing a new thing in my life. Please, Nana, continue to pray for me and I believe a great door will soon open for me. What you write to ne now has given me new strength to continue in the work of God and to lean on Him for all my needs. I like that Scripture in Proverbs which you quote...3:5,6. I will continue to pray for your health and I believe you will also pray for me. I love you, Nana, The most expensive thing a man can give to you is prayer for prayer is worth everything. I am blessed to have you and I believe you are a blessing to me. I have banked all my hope in the Lord Jesus and have deposited every thing in the Lord God. Bye. Stay blessed A.D..
So refreshed to know we are so knit together in Christ. What a Jesus we have. What a love that binds us.
In all the things you say and do
I see the very heart of you.
Your joy, your caring
Your love of sharing.
Reaching out...touching a life.
Bringing freedom from one's strife.
Showing someone that you care
When the burden seems too hard to bear.
In ways so gentle...ways so kind
To others you bring peace of mind.
Your prayers and thoughts mean so much
Do you realize the lives you touch?
I see your soul...your spirit too.
Such a beautiful reflection of God in you.
I'm forever grateful He chose to send
A blessing such as you, my friend.
God is awesome and able to do mighty things in and through you...I will continue to pray for you for strength and encouragment and provision beyond your needs to meet the needs of others. God has placed so much within your heart and spirit. You are truly His arms reaching, His hand giving and His heart loving.
I am always so excited when I open my e-mails and see you have written. You have been such an inspiration to me. I receive so much encouragment from your faith and confirmation with your prophetic writings. I know we are entering times of trials and disasters yet, we find hope and joy in His grace. Please stay in touch as God continues to bless you and your ministry. I have prayed that God will bring forth an opportunity for us to meet in person if it is His will. I would so enjoy meeting you. Take care precious Dorothea. K.R.