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Letters And Comments From Readers

June 16, 2007

We are blessed to be blessed by a godly and special woman like you...thank you Jesus. May God shower down His love upon you and shield you with His favor continually.

Dorothea: God bless you and thank you for your kind words, despite your many afflictions. I know God has you in His heart. You suffer these things to be closer to Him. You will share His glory in heaven and I am so happy for you.

We listen, even in our hearts for the sound of the shofar and in that sound we hear the presence of His coming that draws ever closer. I am so glad for the in-depth cry of His heart that you bring forth time and again, Dorothea. Lord, raise up my sister in Canada for she has much to bring forth, even as your shofar blows across this land.

What a beautiful name the Lord gave you. I pray for you as you have been such a blessing to me.

I thank you so much for listening to God and for being such a blessing to the body, maybe even when some don't want to hear but that is OK, they will some day. God bless you, my dear sister in the Lord and I pray His face to shine upon you and keep you here for many, many years in health and blessing..

I am going to Israel tomorrow for 2 weeks and I am so excited. I will present you, in spirit to the King of Kings in Jerusalem.

Dear Nana Dorothea...
I appreciate your kindness to be my friend in the Lord. Please the name of Nana in the Ghanaian language means Grandma or Granpa so as a Guanaian I will prefer to call you Nana Dorothea. I thank God for your life and ministry and I am greatly honored to be your friend and grandson too. Nana, I believe you will also be a mentor to me so that the healing and prophetic anointing on your ministry will fall on me. I believe the Lord made it possible for me to meet you so that I can learn from your ministry.

We are sending you our appreciation for standing with us in prayer, and through your prayers the Lord granted us protection, favor, power over kingdoms of darkness, healing came down and souls came to Christ. We are so much touched by your prayers and we say, as a church, thank you so much and may the Lord bless you as we team up together for the great commission.
Pastor J. M.

Your encouraging prayers are so appreciated. It brings to my heart such joy. Your support and loving prayers have made me feel so loved by the Father. Continue to be an encourager to those around you and lift up the name of Jesus in all things. What a gift you are to me. You are a treasure.

I'm just thinking of you this morning and hoping that all is well with you. I cannot tell you how much your prayers mean to me, also how precious are the 'words' you share. I love you and appreciate's always a good time to tell you so.


I wanted to write to say thank you for the prophetic words on this site. They are indeed from the Lord, an awesome source of encouragement and direction. Thank God for your ministry, your diligence and your obedience. Many blessings to you.
Rev. K.K.

Concerning the Lord's word through you, "Refrain Your Tongue From Evil, "this is a right on word. Yesterday the Lord STRONGLY warned me about my tongue, and also impressed upon me that He would be sending me a word. Therefore, I expected this. Thank you for your courage to speak oracles from God's heart. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly. Repentant and humbled.

Email: Dorothea Montague

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