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A Personal Message

A word for the dear people who enjoy reading my web site "Hearken to the Voice of the Lord." So many of you have sent such very encouraging e-mails and I thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness. It means so much to me to hear from you and encourages me to carry on.

I have encountered a boulder in my personal life, in that I have suffered a heart attack and am presently in hospital. However, I am well aware that my God is in the boulder moving business and in the twinkling of an eye can remove it from me. My God is also a great healer and on five occasions has miraculously healed me and I know can heal me again if I put my trust totally in Him.

I am confident that as long as I am obedient in serving Him He will preserve me in good health. As I lie here in hospital He continues to speak to me wonderful words of encouragement, for me and for His people. I rejoice over Internet friends, Brenda and Dave who have helped me so much in learning the intracacies of the Internet and will be posting the messages for me.

I have celebrated my 80th birthday while in hospital and my children planned a lovely party for me at my church, which I was able to attend in a wheelchair. I will soon be returning to my home at a Lodge where meals are served and life is simple. I will just be living one day at a time according to His plan. I covet your prayers for me for His perfect will for my life. Love in Christ Dorothea Montague

Email: Dorothea Montague

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