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Jesus Our Healer

He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psa. 107:20)

What a powerful Scripture and one that has been manifested in my life on five occasions. Let me tell you about the healing hand of Jesus....

While living in Ontario in the late 70's my husband and I had just returned from Alberta where we had been visiting family. We were parking our R.V. in a friend's lot and needed something to rest the tongue on. Seeing a railway tie nearby we lifted it into place and I realized that I had injured my back. On seeing a chiropractor I was told it was a serious injury and would require much time to heal. I had much pain and was almost confined to bed but on hearing that a young evangelist from Calgary was coming to speak at the little country church we attended, I got out of bed and went to the service with my husband.

On entering the church the young man was playing his quitar and singing. He stopped at once and said, "There's someone here who has received a back injury and the Lord wants to heal you," (a word of knowledge). I went to the front and as I did so the young man said to those in the church, "Very often with a back injury you will find that one leg is shorter than the other." On seating me in a chair we could all see that this was so. As he laid hands on me and prayed we saw both my legs become one length and I knew the Lord had touched me.

As I left the church that evening, a woman whom I did not know thrust a little book into my hand and on examining it found it to be written by Kenneth Hagin and was filled with healing Scriptures and admonition not to allow doubt to enter your mind after receiving a healing. In the days to follow I proclaimed those Scriptures constantly and believed them to be true.

At the end of two weeks the pain was completely gone....never to return, even to this day. When I found the Scripture in Psalm 107:20 "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions"...I knew that this was true for me.


In my early 20's I began to have occasional heart palpatations (extra heart beats). When I came to live in Alberta the palpatations became much more frequent and sometimes I would have 10-12 hours of one normal beat and one extra beat. I went into the hospital on occasion but there seemed to be nothing to control them.

One night I was walking through my apartment in the midst of an attack and just praying that the Lord would heal my heart.. My eyes lighted on a book I had recently purchased called "Praise Power" written by Merlin Carruthers. I picked it up and as I opened it I saw 100 praise Scriptures which the author had compiled. I began to praise the Lord, using these Scriptures and the palpatations stopped, never to return except for an isolated one.

I rejoiced at the touch of His healing hand upon me once more and knew that agian...".He sent His Word and healed me, and delivered me from my destructions."


Shortly after my move from Ontario to live in Strathmore, Alberta, I found a lump on my neck. On seeing my Dr. I was told it could be infection, mumps, a stone in the duct or cancer. The possibility of it being infection, or mumps was eliminated and x-rays showed nothing and I was admitted to hospital for 10 days, receiving mega doses of penicillin which, had it been a stone in the duct could have dislodged it. At the end of 10 days there was no change so I was sent to a cancer specialist in Calgary who, when he examined the lump, picked up the telephone and ordered an emergency operation, to take place a week later. He then proceeded to tell me what the operation would entail....removal of a gland from my neck, nerves in the right side of my face and probably not be able to save the nerve on my left side which controls the right side. This would cause a much greater distortion of my face than I already had because of suffering Bell's Palsey sometime before this.

I entered the hospital and had all the tests and the operation was scheduled for noon the next day. That evening the anesthesist came to my room asking if I understood the results of the operation and I replied, 'O yes, they will do this and this and this.' He then asked me if I was afraid, to which I said, "No, because I have faith in my God and I know I will be fine." He seemed relieved and left. A few minutes later the head nurse came in and we went through almost the same conversation.

About an hour before the operation was scheduled the next morning the surgeon came to my room saying that he wanted to examine the lump and as he did so he found it to be gone!!!! He cancelled the operation and sent me home. What a time of rejoicing to know that a great and mighty God had healed me again.

Once again I knew that, "He sent His Word and healed me of my destructions." Just before I entered the hospital for the 10 days I purchased a little binder, not knowing why. During those 10 days I searched the Scriptures and recorded in my little book many of the wonderful promises of God and prayed them to Him constantly.


In the summer of '94 I began to have bladder problems and incontinence. On seeing a specialist he did not feel that I was a good risk for a major operation. A cardiologist gave me the go ahead for a modified repair operation scheduled for May 9/95 at 11.00 A.M.

I had gone into the hospital on May 8, had all the tests and arranged to stay overnight at the Hostel. Next morning at 8.30 they called to say the Dr. was ready to operate. I rushed over to the hospital and they practically gowned me on the run. I ended up sitting on a chair outside the operating room and the surgeon came along, knelt in front of me, asking if I was afraid, to which I replied that I was not afraid because I knew that everything would be fine. He smiled and we walked into the operating room. I was later to discover that he was a Christian.

When I awoke I felt fine and had no pain or soreness Later in the day I walked in the hall with no discomfort. I had been warned that I would have a lot of pain and it took me two days to convince the nurses that I had none. On the second day the I.V. needle fell out of my arm, the third day they removed the catheter and my bladder worked perfectly and on the fourth day I was able to travel by car to our little hospital in Strathmore.

For about two months prior to my operation I had listened each night to a healing tape of evangelist Billy Smith and once again I knew that...."He sent His Word and healed me and delivered me from my destructions."

After three months I saw the surgeon for a check up and, as he came into the examing room he said, "Why do you think you got along so well?" to which I replied, "Because the Lord was looking after me, of course." He said he thought so because he just couldn't understand what was going on. He had done the major operation and said he could take no credit for it because it was the Lord's work. Praise God!!!!


On another occasion I fell in my kitchen and injured my upper back. As I was walking the floor in pain I suddenly remembered a book I had received while visiting in New Zealand called "Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living" by June Newman Davis. She believes that the Lord has given her specific Scriptures for situations and physical problems. I searched out the Scriptures for 'pain' and for 'back problems', personalized them and began to pray them to the Lord. After awhile I felt at peace and returned to bed and to sleep. The following Sunday the elders were called forth to annoint the sick and to pray for them. With others I went forward and was prayed for. I wasn't aware of the timing but soon I realized that I was totally free of pain in my back and as I thought about it I realized the His Word again had been a part of my healing...."He sent His Word and healed me and delivered me from my destructions."

Email: Dorothea Montague

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