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An Update
July 14, 2006

I am happy to report that yesterday morning I was able to return to my home here at the Lodge and am feeling well. I was told in the beginning that the first 48 hours after the attack was a crucial time. I am so thankful for your prayers during this critical time.

My Dr. is on vacation and I am being cared for by a young Chinese Dr. whom I like very much. I know that she allowed me to come home because we get such good care here at the Lodge with P.C.A.'s (Personal Care Aids) on duty all the time. I am told that now that the 48 hours has passed I am much less likely to have a reoccurance of another attack.

I believe the Lord spoke a warning to me as in the night season on July 27. He spoke thus...

"I shall allow sorrow in your life but just for a season and then I shall raise you up in great joy. I love you, My precious one, and I shall always be by your side. I will walk with you and talk with you."

He literally did this during these difficult days as I was aware that He was with me and He spoke such encouraging words to me throughout this time. I questioned 'sorrow' but have come to believe it could mean sickness.

How can I thank you for praying for me during this critical time. May the Lord shower down blessings upon you all.

Sent with love


Email: Dorothea Montague

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