I desire to instruct you today regarding hearing My voice as I speak to you. I tell you, it is My wish to speak to each one of you, My people, to speak words of guidance and direction, to speak words of comfort to those who are suffering trials in their lives, to speak instructions to each of you regarding My plan and purpose for you in serving Me in the days of tribulation which are even now prevalent in all the world. Your very lives may depend on whether or not you are hearing My voice.
"How can I hear your voice, Lord?" you may be asking. O, My little ones, you must open your ears to hear what I would speak to you today. Go into your quiet place and meditate on the things of Me, begin to speak to Me and I shall surely speak to you. Mostly I speak in a still, small voice which comes into your minds in a gentle whisper. Record your thoughts and soon you shall be aware of sentences and paragraphs coming together into a message from Me. It could be a word of instruction, it could be a word of encouragement, it could be a word of reproof if I desire that you turn away from something you are doing that is not My will for you.
Sometimes I speak to you through the words of another, words that you know I am directing to you. Sometimes I speak to you through the words of Scripture...words that you know are just for you as they come alive in your spirit. I will speak to all who are truly Mine if you seek Me with all your heart.
My beloved people, are you watching and praying about what is taking place in these end time days? I have warned you, My people, about the tribulation times destined to come upon the world, according to the words of Scripture. Multitudes world wide are ignoring My words of warning. Even many of My precious people are ignoring My words and are thinking that disasters shall not come to them. Only those who are truly following Me and being obedient in what I instruct them to do shall dwell under My protection in times of great chaos which shall come upon the world.
I need you, My people, I need you to reach unvelievers everywhere and tell them the simple message of salvation which can only be found in Me. I need you, My people, to receive My power and anointing for prayer, to pray for every sick person who crosses your path and see My healing power touch them.
You are living in a time of unprecidented tribulation which is being seen the world over. I am calling each one of My followers to pray and pray and pray...
~ you must pray diligently for the countries at war and especially for their leaders.
~ you must pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for protection for the people residing in the Holy Land.
~ you must pray for hungry, hurting people everywhere and that the nations with plenty will come to their aid.
~ you must pray for children and young people the world over, whom I am raising up to move into a leadership role to lead the revival which I shall bring even in the midst of tribulation.
~ you must pray for wisdom and power for the leaders of the western world that they would only listen to My guidance in their decisions and not take council with ungodly sources.
~ you must pray for My will in every country of the world.
Keep in remembrance that I control all things, in heaven and on earth, and that My will shall be accomplished in all the world. I am coming soon to gather up My people to be with Me in heaven and I need each of you to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. I have sent out evangelists from your country and they are reaching multitudes and bringing them into the knowledge of Jesus as their Savior and of bringing healing to countless numbers.
Beloved, do not put off until tomorrow, My direction for you, as tomorrow may be too late. Do what you can do today because time is of an essance. Do not let fear come upon you but rather trust in Me implicitly. I shall protect you and guide you in all that you do. As you are willing to minister to the lost you shall see wonders and miracles under your hands as you lay hands on the people and pray for them. Go forth, under My power and authority and win your world for Me.