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Preparation For The Last Days

The following contains quotes from many messages I have received from the Lord since first I began to hear that still, small voice of the Lord speaking to me about making preparation for the last days. On many occasions I attempted to share the messages with fellow Christians but on every occasion they were rejected so for many years they have been "put on the shelf" so to speak. It is my belief that the Lord is releasing me to share these messages at this time when time is of an essance for Christians to prepare for tribulation times ahead....

My child....

Ever since I first began to speak to you, many years ago, I have told you that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars, famines and a crash of the economies of the whole world. You have suffered much rejection when you tried to speak of these things to those around you. I allowed you to suffer rejection because the timing was not My timing. My child, the time has come when My people need to be told of what is about to take place in the world and how to be prepared for it. Tell My people to search the Scriptures for My Word regarding the time of the end, to pray much for My guidance in what I would have them to do to prepare for the chaotic times ahead.

My little one, across the years since I came into your heart I have given you a fascination for Bible prophecy and a curiosity regarding events to take place in the last days. Many books have come into your possession containing information on how to prepare for end time events. All these things you have stored in your heart for many years until the time when I shall set you free to proclaim them to the world. I have devised a media where, in an instant of time, it will be possible for millions to receive what I have given you.

Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10)

Beloved, have no fear for I am releasing you to speak forth the words I have given you these many years....the time is now for My people to prepare for what lies ahead. Of utmost importance is for My people to prepare in the spiritual realm, coming into right relationship with Me and ready to go forth in My power and anointing to do My bidding. Secondly, to prepare in the physical realm, having sought My will for direction and obedient in everything I shall ask them to do.

My child, I admonish you to search out every word of knowledge I have given you over the years and get it out to the world. Now is the time, now is the time, for My people to be warned of events to come and their need to be in readiness to go forth for Me.

Heard at another time....

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (Matt. 24:7,8)

My childrem, My beloved children, all those who are called by My name, I tell you now that the time is almost upon you for this Scripture, foretold so many centuries ago, to be fulfilled. Yes, My children, you shall see the nations and kingdoms arise against each other, you shall see haulocaust such as has never been seen before. As a result there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes even on your very doorstep. This is the time of sorrows that My Father is allowing to come upon the world which will bring untold multitudes through the valley of decision and into My kingdom.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. (Joel 3:14)

I say unto you that the time of sorrows shall usher in the greatest revival in the history of man, when every person on the face of the earth shall have the opportunity to make the decision either to accept or reject Me. O, My people, can you see how very important it is for you to get your houses in order, to allow Me to bring you into that spiritual place in Me where you are instantly ready to go forth to serve Me. You shall be My arm extended to reach the multitudes as they come to Me.

As you totally commit yourselves to Me unreservedly I shall instill within you such a burning desire to live in your prayer closets and to consume My Word that you will spend the very minimum of time in the world. As you enter into this new realm of your walk with Me I shall reveal Myself to you and you shall come to know Me as intimately as you know your closest family members.

You shall go forth, My children, with all the power of My Holy Spirit and My anointing upon you and through you all those you pray for to receive salvation shall be saved, through you I shall heal all manner of sickness and disease, through you all bondage shall be broken on those you pray for and they shall be set free. You need only to speak forth and it shall be so.

As you walk the streets of your villages, towns and cities you shall instantly know the needs of everyone with whom you come in contact and as you pray for them they will know that I am the Lord who died that they might be saved.

I admonish you today, My beloved people, to fearlessly search your hearts and root out every vestage of sin therein for I cannot tolerate sin. My forgiveness is available to all who will seek it. As you become spiritually prepared for the great tasks I am calling you to, then do I require your physical preparation, for these last days we are living in, the being ready to minister in the physical realm. Many will come out of the holocaust having lost everything they had and you must be ready to supply their needs. It is out of the mindset of preparing to help others that great miracles of supply shall evolve. I shall use a food ministry as a very important tool in reaching them for My kingdom. As you feed those hungry bodies you shall also feed them the Bread of Life for their souls and they shall see the truth of My salvation.

Some of you I shall call to be as Joseph and fill many storehouses, some shall fill small storehouses, some of you will just care for your families in the midst of other ministries, some of you I will care for supernaturally, but, for all of you, I shall multiply what you have, according to your needs. As you read these words I shall quicken to your hearts that which I would have you to do and as you seek Me I shall speak unto you explicit direction.

You will need to gather a few months supply of food from your grocery store but your main supply should be natural foods....wheat, grains, rice, all kinds of beans, especially soy beans, all kinds of seeds for sprouting, powdered milk, honey and many other things you will think of. You will need to secure a grain mill for grinding wheat into flour. Seek to find recipe books using natural foods. You should add vitamins, minerals and protein powder to your storage.

Dehydration is a good method for preservation of fruits and vegetables. Everyone who can possibly do so should plant a garden and preserve all the fruits thereof. Store a supply of seeds and I shall preserve them. Do not be afraid to fill your freezers even though at some point you will not have electricity, for I shall preserve your food. Begin to store water if you do not have a secure water system. You should store a supply of Bibles to give to new converts.

Dispense with all fear, My children, for I shall be caring for you supernaturally. Even on occasion I shall send My angels to guide you and to protect you. I have instigated the writing of books containing detailed instructions for a storage program.

Do not worry about saving your money for the future. Use it now while it still has buying power. I tell you, My people, you will store up much treasure in heaven as you support My ordained ministries in these last days. Come before Me, My people, seeking My will in your decisions and I will guide you.

Surely the Lord God does nothing unless he reveals His secret to his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

Now I must warn you, My people, that world events are becoming daily more dangerous. Do not trust any source that is of the world. Become increasingly independant of all the things of the world and become as nearly self sufficient as possible. I have promised to supply all of your needs and so I shall do but I desire that you do all that you can to prepare for the trials that lie ahead. As each day dawns the world draws ever closer to the brink of disaster and sin and evil abounds everywhere.

As I begin to shake everything that can be shaken even the most sinful shall come to Me seeking salvation. My children, multitudes shall come into My kingdom through the events which are about to take place....multitudes that must be fed and nurtured by My people. Beloved, you may think that you can do nothing, but I tell you that each person who is following Me, doing their own little part faithfully shall accomplish such a harvest of souls for My kingdom as to astound you. Not everyone will preach, or teach, or evangelize but everyone will do something. I have given each of My people a talent and I shall use every talent in ministry for Me.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: because I go unto My Father. (John 14:12)

O My children, I say unto you, if you are Mine and believe in Me, greater than all the wonders and miracles which I did when I walked upon earth, shall you do in these last days. My light shall shine like a beacon through each of you so that unbelievers can see that I dwell within you. I will create in the hearts of multitudes the desire to be like those with My light shining through them. You must, you must be prepared through much study of My Word to lead people unto Me.

My peace I give unto you in the midst of the storms around you. My peace is the peace that passes all understanding and cannot be found in the world. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. I am your God and I have all things under My control. Stand firm in My Word and I shall bring you through all the trials you shall encounter, into a place that you never thought of achieving.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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