The storms around you are becoming fierce and causing much fear in the hearts of My people. O, My loved ones, do not succumb to fear. Just know that I have control of all things in heaven and on earth and I desire to use each of you in God ordained ministries in the upcoming battle with the enemy.
Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10)
O, My people, even in the midst of wars and famines and earthquakes and pestilences My people shall experience great and wonderful miracles through the Holy Spirit who dwells within you. You shall go forward to minister to the sick and the lost even as I ministered when I walked upon earth. You shall be My hand extended for just such a time as this, to lead people to Me and to be the channel for My hand of healing to touch all for whom you pray.
Because of the tribulation in the world multitudes in the world and especially in the western world have been drawn to fervent prayer....for My wisdom and guidance for the leaders of your countries, for peace to prevail in the war torn countries, for revival to begin all over the world, for the plans of the enemy against your countries to be thwarted. I tell you, because of your faithfulness in prayer many of the enemies plans for destruction have been thwarted and turned back upon themselves. O, My beloved, I urge you to continue in fervent prayer until victory has been achieved and the enemy has been defeated. As you pray I shall bring an abundance of people across your path who are desperately seeking the things of God and you shall be able to point them towards the cross and to eternal life with Me. What is revival but the bringing of people to Me and to salvation.
Horrendous events are ahead for the world. Be ready, My people, to give up all, to take up your cross and follow Me.
Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. (Mark 8:34b)
I need you, My people, to follow Me and to take up the ministries I have chosen for you. There are so many needs in the world around you as well as in far off places and,I tell you, that as you begin to meet some of those needs you will be storing up great treasures in heaven. Know that at some point in the tribulations to come there will be a crash of the financial systems and your money shall become worthless so what better satisfaction than to see it bring help now to refugees, as they receive food, clothing, blankets and medicines, to support Christian ministries who help homeless boys and girls worldwide, who are living on the streets, to be taken in and cared for, To support Missionaries all over the world to reach people who have never heard the Gospel of salvation, to help the food banks all over your country to meet the needs of the multitudes, especially at Christmas time. And there are countless other ministries who are striving to help people in need.
Resolve, My people, to reach out to people everywhere you go and endeavor to minister unto them in whatever areas they have need, be it a listening ear, a need for godly advice or a need for material help. Watch for the opportunities which I shall provide for you to offer comfort and help to those around you.
My beloved people, there is a hurting world out there and you cannot conceive of the peace and joy that shall be yours as you reach out to these people. Most important of all, My little children, is your faithful prayers for the world situations, for your unsaved loved ones and friends, for the sick in your midst and the many other prayer needs that come to you. Resolve to become true intercessors and experience great blessings as you intercede for the needs of the world. Pray that My power and anointing will come upon you and see what I shall do through you.