My beloved people, I am observing so many of you who are losing hope...hope in the future, hope in receiving My healing touch, hope in your children, hope in your dreams coming into being and hope in Me. Have you searched My Word for My great and precious promises for You? Are you believing that My Word is truth?
O, My people, I see you contemplating the state of the world around you and in far off places and you struggle to keep hope in your hearts.
My people, are you trusting in Me? Are you putting your hope in Me? Have I not told you that I have all things in heaven and on earth under My control? O, yes, there is much in the world to cause you to lose hope but you are not of the world.
My beloved people, activate your hope in Me by seeking My promises for you which are contained in My Word. I need you, My people, to serve Me in these last days, with all hope in My provision for you as you minister to all whom you meet.
You are indeed living in troubled times, My people, but I have a plan and a purpose for each of you, which shall surely come into being. I have long been preparing you for just such a time as this...a time when I shall bring multitudes unto Me to accept Me as their Lord and Savior. I need you, My people, to walk with these people and to teach them My Word.
I shall impart My strength unto each of you for the tasks I shall set before you. I shall direct your paths as I minister to the people through you.
To some of you I shall give great teaching and preaching ministries. Some will have powerful prophetic ministries, speaking forth My words to the people. Some will receive My power and anointing for healing ministries, ministries to the poor and other ministries. All will be My followers to serve Me as I direct you.
My people, this new year shall bring great changes in your lives and in your ministries. Signs and wonders and miracles shall follow you, as you pray, such as you never thought possible. Be not afraid to call down My miracles as you lay hands on the sick and pray for them, or for any request they may have. You need only believe and it shall be so.
I am calling you, My people, into the ministry of intercession. Learn to pray with My power upon you and see wondrous things take place.
My beloved ones, the time has come when I am hearing and answering your prayers as never before. Increase your faith as you study My Word and believe that whatever you ask of Me in prayer you shall receive.