After sojourning in dark vallies for a time I am raising up countless of My people to go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit, to draw people unto Me, to bring healing to sick bodies, to bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones, to care for homeless children, to give of your much to meet the needs of multitudes who have lost everything in the disasters that have come upon the world in these days. Have I not warned in My Word?
Look around you, My people. Do you not see evidence of great tribulation throughout the world. I hear you crying out and saying, "Why, Lord, why are you allowing such devastation in the world?" Look around you again and observe the abomination of great sin everywhere. Do you not see that I must allow punishment against man's sinful ways.
O, My people, are you not observing that, even in the midst of great turmoil I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh.
My beloved ones, make yourselves ready for a great outpouring of My Spirit around the world. Observe how I am raising up your children and your teenagers to don the mantles of the prophetic, of healing, of preaching and teaching the Word. Be in readiness for the miraculous to be in evidence such as you have never seen before. Be in readiness for divine encounters with My angels who will come unto you to bring guidance as you serve Me.
Yes, My children, you are nearing the end of time but, as you willingly follow Me you shall see My glory come upon each of you as you bring the multitudes unto Me and safely into My kingdom.